Results: 26

Sports rehabilitation in athletes with meniscal lesions based on electroacupuncture associated with sports therapy

ABSTRACT Introduction: Meniscal injury is a common condition that can lead to disability due to pain and proprioceptive failure, requiring immediate attention. Combination therapies involve advanced approaches aiming to accelerate rehabilitation in athletes, and electroacupuncture presents therapeutic b...

Electroacupuncture inhibits dendritic spine remodeling through the srGAP3-Rac1 signaling pathway in rats with SNL

Biol. Res; 56 (), 2023
Previous studies have shown that peripheral nerve injury can lead to abnormal dendritic spine remodeling in spinal dorsal horn neurons. Inhibition of abnormal dendritic spine remodeling can relieve neuropathic pain. Electroacupuncture (EA) has a beneficial effect on the treatment of neuropathic pain, but...

Electroacupuntura en pacientes con dolor miofacial asociado a disfunción de las articulaciones temporomandibulares
Electroacupuncture in patients with miofacial pain associated with temporomandibular joints dysfunction

Medisan; 26 (2), 2022
Introducción: Los trastornos temporomandibulares constituyen una condición dolorosa que afecta los músculos de la masticación, la articulación temporomandibular, así como varias estructuras anatómicas del sistema estomatognático. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de la electroacupuntura en pacient...

Neuronal GRK2 regulates microglial activation and contributes to electroacupuncture analgesia on inflammatory pain in mice

Biol. Res; 55 (), 2022
BACKGROUND: G protein coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) has been demonstrated to play a crucial role in the development of chronic pain. Acupuncture is an alternative therapy widely used for pain management. In this study, we investigated the role of spinal neuronal GRK2 in electroacupuncture (EA) analges...

Técnicas de la Medicina Tradicional China para el tratamiento del catarro común

El catarro común, es una infección viral de nariz y garganta (vías respiratorias altas), generalmente inofensiva; siendo de las afectaciones más frecuentes en la población mundial, especialmente en las regiones tropicales. La medicina tradicional china comprende un conjunto de técnicas que, si se a...

La acupuntura como método anestésico

La anestesia acupuntural es una técnica que surgió en China para reemplazar los medicamentos anestésicos en los procedimientos quirúrgicos, que trajo consigo muchas ventajas sobre todo para pacientes en quienes está contraindicado algún anestésico convencional, o que por motivos de salud no puede ...

Electroacupuncture suppresses glucose metabolism and GLUT-3 expression in medial prefrontal cortical in rats with neuropathic pain

Biol. Res; 54 (), 2021
BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that the electroacupuncture (EA) stimulation could effectively alleviate neuropathic pain. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is a vital part of the cortical representation of pain in the brain, and its glucose metabolism is mostly affected in the progr...

Electroacupuncture alleviates inflammatory pain via adenosine suppression and its mediated substance P expression

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 78 (10), 2020
ABSTRACT Background: Acupuncture has been widely used for alleviating pain. However, its mechanisms remain largely enigmatic. Objective: In the present study, we focused on whether the analgesic effect of electroacupuncture is related to its regulation on adenosine and substance P expression. Method...

Acupuntura e auriculoterapia no tratamento de ansiedade ou depressão em adultos e idosos: qual é a eficácia/efetividade e a segurança da acupuntura e da auriculoterapia para o tratamento da ansiedade ou depressão em adultos e/ou idosos?
Acupuncture and auriculotherapy in the treatment of anxiety or depression in adults and the elderly: what is the efficacy/effectiveness and safety of acupuncture and auriculotherapy for the treatment of anxiety or depression in adults and/or the elderly?

A acupuntura se caracteriza pela estimulação de pontos cutâneos específicos por meio do uso de agulhas. A auriculoterapia consiste na estimulação mecânica de pontos específicos do pavilhão auricular com esferas de aço, ouro, prata, plástico, agulhas ou sementes de mostarda. A acupuntura é rec...

Acupuntura e auriculoterapia para o tratamento de hipertensão arterial sistêmica em adultos e idosos: qual a eficácia/efetividade e a segurança da acupuntura e da auriculoterapia para o tratamento da hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) em adultos e/ou idosos?
Acupuncture and auriculotherapy for the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension in adults and the elderly: what is the efficacy / effectiveness and safety of acupuncture and auriculotherapy for the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) in adults and / or the elderly?

A acupuntura se caracteriza pela estimulação de pontos cutâneos específicos por meio do uso de agulhas. A auriculoterapia consiste na estimulação mecânica de pontos específicos do pavilhão auricular com esferas de aço, ouro, prata, plástico, agulhas ou sementes de mostarda. A acupuntura é rec...