Results: 9

Análise clínica da atividade de trabalho de agentes funerários no nordeste brasileiro

Psicol. ciênc. prof; 44 (), 2024
Especializados na gestão dos processos da morte e do morrer, os agentes funerários são uma categoria profissional indispensável na sociedade contemporânea. Estudar esses profissionais, marcados por alto grau de invisibilidade social, torna-se extremamente relevante, sobretudo concebendo-os como suje...

Anatomical and Clinical Education in Physical and Occupational Therapy: Influence of Integration and Soft Preservation

Int. j. morphol; 41 (6), 2023
SUMMARY: Anatomy and clinical skills are taught separately to physical and occupational therapy students. Formaldehyde is the primary chemical used to embalm donors which creates a challenge in integrating clinical skills into the anatomy curriculum. This study aimed to evaluate the integration of clinic...

Comparison of laundry detergent and antiformin solution methods to retrieve clean bones from embalmed cadavers

Int. j. morphol; 40 (6), 2022
SUMMARY: Traditional methods of bone retrieval from embalmed cadaver are not able to meet the demand of medical colleges as they are time consuming & tedious, thus there is need of evaluating an alternative approach that includes use of laundry detergent. The purpose of the study was to compare & establi...

Thought, attitudes, and practices of the anatomy departments on receiving and embalming cadavers during the pandemic process

Int. j. morphol; 40 (3), 2022
SUMMARY: During the Covid-19 pandemic that has marked the last years, while governments tried to control the spread of the virus, many-body donation programs were suspended due to difficulties that could potentially be encountered. Given the low body donation acceptance rates during this period, through ...

Preservation of histology by phenol-based fixative: mini review of recent findings

Int. j. morphol; 39 (1), 2021
SUMMARY: In surgical and anatomical training, use of cadaver remains the most ideal technique. Standard formaldehyde solution preserves cadaveric tissues for an extended period comparing to the unfixed tissues. However, it fails to retain the natural texture, color, and biomechanical features. Phenol bas...

Técnica de embalsamiento de cadáver según Thiel: un método valioso para entrenar y mejorar las destrezas quirúrgicas en el campo de la otorrinolaringología

RESUMEN Los tiempos modernos nos obligan a que la formación de un médico cirujano no se base sólo en conocimientos teóricos, sino que adquiera las mayores habilidades quirúrgicas para así evitar riesgos innecesarios en una sociedad altamente exigente. La disección y el entrenamiento de los procedi...

Walter Thiel's embalming method: review of solutions and applications in different fields of biomedical research

Int. j. morphol; 34 (4), 2016
Walter Thiel developed the method that enables preservation of the body with natural colors in 1992. It consists in the application of an intravascular injection formula, and maintaining the corps submerged for a determinate period of time in the immersion solution in the pool. After immersion, it is pos...

Evaluación genotóxica en individuos expuestos al Formaldehído en los departamentos médicos legales de la Policía Judicial del Ecuador
Genotoxic evaluation in formaldehyde-exposed individuals in the forensic laboratories of the Ecuadorian Judicial Police

Cambios rev. méd; Vol. 13 (23), 2015
Introducción: el formaldehído es un importante químico con muchos derivados y usos comerciales. Estudios epidemiológicos en poblaciones ocupacionalmente expuestas a formaldehído lo tiende a asociar con un número de efectos biológicos en humanos. Materiales y métodos: para determinar los posibles ...