Introduction: Serum uric acid level is an important prognostic variable in pregnancy as subjects with preeclampsia have elevated serum uric acid levels. Methods: The concentrations of serum uric acid were investigated in 100 women of which 75 were pregnant women and categorized into 3 groups of 25 each, ...
Abstract Objective To describe the immunological and hematological reference intervals of low-risk pregnant women. Methods A cross-sectional retrospective database analysis of a basic and translational study analyzing the hematological evaluation blood counts and immunophenotyping of TCD3 + , TCD4 + ...
ABSTRACT Objective To define the normal range of TSH in the first trimester of gestation and to evaluate the correlation between maternal TSH and obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Subjects and methods Prospective study. Women without known or clinically suspected thyroid disease and without risk facto...
En el plasma humano pueden encontrarse las isoenzimas ósea, hepática e intestinal de fosfatasa alcalina (EC En el plasma de mujeres embarazadas, durante el último trimestre de gestación puede encontrarse otra isoenzima, la fosfatasa alcalina placentaria. Además, en extractos butanólicos d...
Se realizó un estudio comportamiento de la hemoglobinopatía en las embarazadas del municipio Santiago de Cuba durante el primer semestre de 1994.Para ello, se toma una muestra de 297 mujeres cuyos resultados aportaron la presencia de algún tipo de hemoglobinopatía.Se observa una incidencia del 20,7 p...
Foram estudados os níveis de TSH, dosado por radioimunoensaio, durante a gestaçäo humana normal de nove voluntárias, através de amostras seridas. Os resultdaos obtidos, agrupados a cada duas semanas de gestaçäo, mostraram valores dentro da faixa de normaliddae para näo grávidas. Na análise comp...