Results: 2

Non-surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (2), 2019
In the past few decades, ectopic pregnancy has been termed by medical practitioners has a global epidemic. With the questions lingering on everbody minds how this menace can be tamed. In a bid to reduce the mortality and financial burden brought by this evolving growing health concern, the medic has deve...

Epidemiología del embarazo ectópico en un hospital ginecobstétrico
Epidemiology of ectopic pregnancy in a gynecological and obstetric hospital

Rev. cuba. enferm; 19 (3), 2003
El embarazo ectópico es considerado una verdadera emergencia médica de ahí el interés en conocer su comportamiento en el hospital ginecoobstetrico América Arias de Ciudad de La Habana. Se estudiaron 172 pacientes ingresadas por embarazo ectópico durante el trienio 1998-2000. Se registraron como pri...