Kyphoplasty is one of the minimally invasive interventions which provides pain relief in osteoporotic or malignancy related vertebral compression fractures. Severe complications associated with percutaneous kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty are rare, and usually related to cement leakage out of the...
Accidente Cerebrovascular Isquémico/diagnóstico,
Accidente Cerebrovascular Isquémico/terapia,
Neoplasias Encefálicas/terapia,
Accidente Cerebrovascular Isquémico/diagnóstico por imagen,
Accidente Cerebrovascular Isquémico/cirugía,
Embolización Terapéutica/instrumentación,
Embolización Terapéutica/métodos,
Metilmetacrilatos/síntesis química,
Servicios Médicos de Urgencia,
Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital,
Procedimientos Endovasculares,
Imagen por Resonancia Magnética,
Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Objective Glomus jugulare tumors, or tympanojugular paragangliomas, are rare, highly vascularized skull base tumors originated from paraganglion cells of the neural
crest. With nonabsorbable embolic agents, embolization combined with surgery has become the norm. The authors assess the profile and outcome...
Resumen Introducción: La embolización de arteria renal (EAR) es un procedimiento percutáneo que ocluye la arteria renal, con la consecuente isquemia del territorio vascular. Sus indicaciones más comunes son la hematuria y el manejo paliativo en cáncer renal metastásico. A pesar del desarrollo técn...
To evaluate the risk factors for poor outcomes after surgical and endovascular treatment of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH).
Patients with ≥ 18-years of age and aSAH were included, while patients who died within 12 h of admission or lost follow-up were excluded. All partici...
Ferrari Sant’Anna, Marco Aurélio;
Luciano, Leonardo Luca;
Silveira Chaves, Pedro Henrique;
dos Santos, Leticia Adrielle;
Gonçalves Moreira, Rafaela;
Peixoto, Rian;
Barcellos, Ronald;
Reis, Geraldo Avila;
Pereira, Carlos Umberto;
Rabelo, Nícollas Nunes.
Introduction The middle meningeal artery (MMA) is an important artery in neurosurgery.
As the largest branch of the maxillary artery, it provides nutrition to the
meninges and to the frontal and parietal regions. Diseases, including dural arteriovenous
fistula (DAVF), pseudoaneurysm, true aneurysm, traum...
Objective To report three cases of vein of Galen aneurysmalmalformation (VGAM) in
pediatric patients treated at the hemodynamics lab of Hospital Santa Isabel (HSI) in
Blumenau, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, from 2006 to 2020. Clinical presentation,
endovascular treatment, and postprocedure evolution t...
Glomus jugular tumors, also known as paragangliomas (PGLs), are rare and related to
several clinical syndromes described. These are located in the carotid body, the jugular
glomus, the tympanic glomus and the vagal glomus. The symptoms are directly related to
the site of involvement and infiltration. The...
Defectos del Tabique Interatrial/diagnóstico por imagen,
Defectos del Tabique Interatrial/cirugía,
Cardiopatías Congénitas/diagnóstico por imagen,
Cardiopatías Congénitas/rehabilitación,
Ultrasonografía Doppler en Color,
Angiografía por Tomografía Computarizada,
Implantación de Prótesis de Válvulas Cardíacas/efectos adversos,
Arteria Pulmonar/cirugía,
Remoción de Dispositivos/métodos,
Embolización Terapéutica/métodos,
Factores de Tiempo
Adulto jovem de 18 anos que evoluiu após traumatismo
craniencefálico leve com fístula carotídea direta. Apresentou
zumbido e exoftalmia, ambos de característica pulsátil
e à esquerda. Foi submetido a estudo com Doppler das
carótidas, que mostrou elevadas velocidades do fluxo
sanguíneo e índices...
Abstract This systematic review was conducted in accordance with the 2009 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, including clinical studies in which one of the outcomes was semen parameter improvement after varicocele embolization using coils only. The obje...