Results: 10

Assessment of quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, occurring main-ly in the young, socioeconomically active age group. Both the recurrent-remitting course of symptoms and the chronicity of the disease impact patients’ quality of life (QoL)...

Comparative analysis of anxiety and depression prevalence between individuals with and without inflammatory bowel disease

ABSTRACT Rationale: Inflammatory bowel diseases − Crohn's Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) − are chronic disorders associated, for several reasons, with psychological symptoms and stigmatization of patients. Aim: To compare individuals with and without inflammatory bowel diseases in...

Qualidade de vida dos pacientes de um ambulatório multidisciplinar de doenças inflamatórias intestinais

Arq. gastroenterol; 57 (1), 2020
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease encompasses pathological entities, the main being Crohn's disease and ulcerative rectocolitis. Both are characterized by chronic inflammation of the intestine. It affects young people of active age, compromising the situation of those patients, especially...

Sarcopenia e gravidade da doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica

Arq. gastroenterol; 56 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is characterized by deposition of lipids in the hepatic parenchyma exceeding 5% of liver weight in the absence of other conditions, such as viral or alcoholic hepatitis and metabolic disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common for...

Atividade física de vida diária, capacidade de exercício e qualidade de vida de pacientes com doença de Crohn em remissão induzida por infliximabe: um estudo preliminar

Arq. gastroenterol; 56 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Physical activity in daily life and exercise capacity have not been assessed in patients with Crohn's disease to date. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the physical activity in daily life, exercise capacity, quality of life, and prevalence of mood disorders in patients with moderate-to-sev...

Relação entre bem-estar psicológico, resiliência e coping com fatores sociais e clínicos em pacientes com doença de Crohn

Arq. gastroenterol; 56 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Crohn's disease is chronic, requires prolonged treatment, affects the physical and psychosocial health of patients and may alter their routine, quality of life and well-being. Recent studies recommend monitoring the health of these patients considering physical, psychological and p...

Doença inflamatória do intestino: impacto no score da qualidade de vida, depressão e ansiedade em pacientes atendidos em um centro de atendimento terciário no Brasil

Arq. gastroenterol; 55 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease frequently affects patients at working age, compromising their quality of life in several levels: physical, psychological, familial and social. Few studies have evaluated the impact of Inflammatory bowel disease on quality of life, anxiety and depression ...

Sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com doença de Crohn

Arq. gastroenterol; 55 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Crohn's disease is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease. It is classified as an inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn's disease can change patient quality of life, especially during flares. Crohn's disease has been associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression, because the c...

Association of sociodemographic and clinical factors with the self-image and self-esteem of individuals with intestinal stoma

Objective: To evaluate the clinical and sociodemographic factors and correlate them to the self-image and self-esteem. Methods: A study conducted at Ostomy Pole of PousoAlegre. The data were collected between December 2012 and May 2013. This was a non-probabilistic, by convenience, sample. For data coll...