Results: 3

Evaluación del tratamiento de linfoma de Hodgkin con esquema ABVD en Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (4), 2019
Background: Hodgkin lymphoma has a high rate of curability, even in advanced stages. Aim: To assess the results of Hodgkin lymphoma treatment using the ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine) chemotherapy regimen. Material and Methods: Analysis of a database held by the Chilean Ministry...

Hodgkin's Lymphoma - evaluation of patients submitted to Autologous transplantation of hematopoietic cells in the Hematology Service of the Hospital Walter Cantídio - Fortaleza, Brazil

SUMMARY The Autologous HSCT is an important alternative for refractory or recurrent HL patients in terms of survival and improved quality of life. This study analyzes the results of autologous BMT performed in HL patients in the Transplant Unit of the HUWC/ HEMOCE (Fortaleza - CE, Brazil). Fifty-two tran...