BACKGROUND: The monthly regeneration of human endometrial tissue is maintained by the presence of human endometrial mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (eMSC), a cell population co-expressing the perivascular markers CD140b and CD146. Endometrial regeneration is impaired in the presence of intrauterine adhesi...
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of kinase-insert domain-containing receptor (KDR) in intrauterine adhesions (IUA) and its mechanism. The Case group consisted of 92 patients diagnosed with IUA, and the Control group included 86 patients with uterine septum who had normal endometrium veri...
Los pólipos endometriales son causa frecuente de metrorragia y, en algunos casos, pueden ser responsables de esterilidad. Su patogenia es poco conocida, dando origen a masas sésiles o pedunculadas que protruyen en la cavidad uterina y que histológicamente corresponden a endometrio proliferativo de est...