Results: 21

Fructosan form Paenibacillus kribbensis PS04 enhance disease resistance against Rhizoctonia solani and tobacco mosaic virus

BACKGROUND: Rice sheath blight (caused by Rhizoctonia solani) and tobacco mosaic virus are very important plant diseases, causing a huge loss in global crop production. Paenibacillus kribbensis PS04 is a broad-spectrum biocontrol agent, used for controlling these diseases. Previously, extracellular polys...

Oxidative foliar photo-necrosis produced by the bacteria Pseudomonas cedrina

BACKGROUND: Although bioactive metabolites capable of causing oxidative photo-necrosis in plant tissues have been identified in fungi, little is known about this type of mechanism in bacteria. These metabolites act as photosensitizers that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) capable of causing damage ...

Combining Ability for Resistance to White Mold in a Diallel Cross of Soybean

Abstract The white mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, is one of the most important diseases of soybean. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the soybean reaction to the fungus S. sclerotiorum, which causes white mold, in a partial diallel with 50 crosses. The Group I of...

The potential of compounds isolated from Xylaria spp. as antifungal agents against anthracnose

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Anthracnose is a crop disease usually caused by fungi in the genus Colletotrichum or Gloeosporium. These are considered one of the main pathogens, causing significant economic losses, such as in peppers and guarana. The current forms of control include the use of resistant cultivars, sanitary pr...

Evaluación de la capacidad patogénica de Fusarium spp. en modelos vegetal y murino

Rev. argent. microbiol; 50 (1), 2018
El género Fusarium es ampliamente conocido por su capacidad fitopatógena, típicamente asociada al marchitamiento vascular. Sin embargo, se ha reportado como un patógeno oportunista en pacientes inmunocompetentes e inmunocomprometidos, por lo que puede ser considerado como un microorganismo de interé...

Biocontrol potential of saline- or alkaline-tolerant Trichoderma asperellum mutants against three pathogenic fungi under saline or alkaline stress conditions

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (supl.1), 2018
ABSTRACT Salinity and alkalinity are major abiotic stresses that limit growth and development of poplar. We investigated biocontrol potential of saline- and alkaline-tolerant mutants of Trichoderma asperellum to mediate the effects of salinity or alkalinity stresses on Populus davidiana × P. alba var. p...

Molecular methods for diversity assessment among xanthomonads of Bulgarian and Macedonian pepper

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (supl.1), 2018
ABSTRACT Bacterial spot is an important disease of pepper in Bulgaria and Macedonia. For characterization of Xanthomonas species associated with bacterial spot, 161 strains were collected from various field pepper-growing regions. Among them, 131 strains were identified as Xanthomonas euvesicatoria and 3...

Influence of iron and copper on the activity of laccases in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (supl.1), 2018
ABSTRACT Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici is a phytopathogenic fungus that causes vascular wilt in tomato plants. In this work we analyze the influence of metal salts such as iron and copper sulphate, as well as that of bathophenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (iron chelator) and bathocuproinedisulfonic a...

Isolation, identification, and biocontrol of antagonistic bacterium against Botrytis cinerea after tomato harvest

Braz. j. microbiol; 48 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Tomato is one of the most important vegetables in the world. Decay after harvest is a major issue in the development of tomato industry. Currently, the most effective method for controlling decay after harvest is storage of tomato at low temperature combined with usage of chemical bactericide; h...