Results: 50

Análise da correlação dos índices de estrutura e recursos humanos do serviço veterinário oficial em 2019 e as incidências acumuladas (2017 – 2019) de doenças de notificação obrigatória em bovinos e equinos no Brasil

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 29 (2), 2022
As doenças de notificação obrigatória em bovinos podem gerar impactos sociais e econômicos significativos na cadeia pecuária brasileira, além de consequências negativas no mercado internacional devido a embargos sanitários. Para auxiliar no entendimento de como um sistema de vigilância epidemio...

Larvoscopic study on Dictyocaulus sp. in the faeces of beef cattle in northeastern Brazil

Abstract The lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus has an important role in cattle health and productivity worldwide, since infections can lead to substantial economic losses. Despite its importance, few studies investigating the epidemiological aspects of infection by this parasite have been conducted. The ai...

Evaluation of techniques for diagnosis of Trypanosoma vivax infections in naturally infected cattle in the Zona da Mata Mineira

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate diagnostic techniques for trypanosomiasis, caused by Trypanosoma vivax, in naturally infected cattle in Minas Gerais, Zona da Mata. The deaths of six lactating cows with similar clinical conditions—characterized by hyporexia, hypogalactia, and recumbency—...

Morbidity and mortality in Holstein calves from birth to 145 days of age on a large dairy farm in Brazil

The present study aimed to investigate the morbidity and mortality associated with the most common diseases during the rearing period of Holstein calves in a high-production dairy farm. The calves (n = 600) were allocated to three groups based on age: G1 (1-7 days, n = 216), G2 (30-40 days, n = 188), and...

Prevalencia sérica de Neospora caninum y factores de riesgo asociados a su transmisión en tambos de la provincia de Salta, Argentina

Rev. argent. microbiol; 53 (2), 2021
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum en los bovinos de los tambos del Valle del Lerma (Salta, Argentina) y los factores de riesgo asociados a la transmisión de este parásito en esta región. Se tomaron muestras de suero de aproximadamente 40 vacas en ca...

Virulence genes of Escherichia coli in diarrheic and healthy calves

Rev. argent. microbiol; 53 (1), 2021

Neospora caninum infection in cattle in the state of Amazonas, Brazil: seroprevalence, spatial distribution and risk factors

Abstract Livestock in the Amazon has grown significantly and, although neosporosis in cattle has been reported worldwide, there is no information about N. caninum in production systems in the state of Amazonas. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodie...

Risk factor analysis associated with Neospora caninum in dairy cattle in Western Brazilian Amazon

Abstract Neospora caninum is considered to be one of the main causes of abortion among cattle. The present survey was conducted in the municipality of Rolim de Moura, Rondônia State, Brazil. A questionnaire that investigates the epidemiological aspects of neosporosis was used in the analysis of risk fac...

Seroprevalence, spatial distribution and risk factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection among cattle in a quilombola community in the Brazilian cerrado

Abstract Little is known about Toxoplasma gondii infection among cattle living in the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) biome in Brazil. In particular, there is no epidemiological data relating to infection in quilombo lands, i.e. areas settled by Afro-descendants of escaped slaves. The aim of this study was t...

Slaughter condemnation in bovine due to parasitic lesions and their economic impact in Federal Inspection System establishments in Brazil and in State inspection System in Rio Grande do Sul State

Abstract Slaughter condemnations are important sources of information on cattle health. The incidence of bovine parasitic diseases is still very high in Brazil. These diseases, in addition to causing harm to the animals health, are neglected zoonotic diseases in several parts of world. The study analysed...