Results: 35

Ocorrência de Cochliomyia hominivorax em bovinos no Maranhão, Brasil

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 30 (1), 2023
A bovinocultura possui grande importância na economia brasileira, entretanto, enfermidades afetam a produção, ocasionando perdas econômicas, como a miíase. O agente causador da miíase é Cochliomyia hominivorax, mosca-da-bicheira. Os agentes são aptos às regiões tropicais e subtropicais no Brasi...

Larvoscopic study on Dictyocaulus sp. in the faeces of beef cattle in northeastern Brazil

Abstract The lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus has an important role in cattle health and productivity worldwide, since infections can lead to substantial economic losses. Despite its importance, few studies investigating the epidemiological aspects of infection by this parasite have been conducted. The ai...

Investigation of Tritrichomonas foetus in cryopreserved bovine semen by culture and polymerase chain reaction

Bovine Trichomoniasis (BT) is an infectious disease caused by Tritrichomonas foetus that can be transmitted either sexually or by fomites. In males, the disease is asymptomatic and permanent. T. foetus has been detected in semen samples where it is able to remain viable even when frozen. The objective of...

Risk factor analysis associated with Neospora caninum in dairy cattle in Western Brazilian Amazon

Abstract Neospora caninum is considered to be one of the main causes of abortion among cattle. The present survey was conducted in the municipality of Rolim de Moura, Rondônia State, Brazil. A questionnaire that investigates the epidemiological aspects of neosporosis was used in the analysis of risk fac...

Status of Rhipicephalus microplus resistance to ivermectin, fipronil and fluazuron in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Abstract Southern cattle tick resistance to pour-on and injectable acaricides has yet to be evaluated on a broader scope, and the paucity of information on the subject may hinder efforts to control this parasite. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance profile of ten populations of Rhi...

DNA extraction methods for molecular detection of Eimeria spp. in cattle and sheep

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (7), 2020
Molecular detection of Eimeria species in fecal samples can be useful for experimental and diagnostic purposes. However, the parasite quantity presence in feces and the oocyst wall are an obstacle in DNA extraction protocols. Therefore, adequate sampling and effective disruption of the oocysts are essent...

Correlation between climate data and land altitude for Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle in Santa Catarina, Brazil

Abstract Fascioliasis is a food-borne parasitic disease that affects a range of animals, including humans caused by Fasciola hepatica. The present study aimed to determine the spatial distribution of bovine fasciolosis and to assess the correlation between the high Positivity Index (PI) and climate data ...

Genetic diversity of Babesia bovis studied longitudinally under natural transmission conditions in calves in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Abstract Serum and DNA samples from 15 naturally infected calves in Seropédica, Brazil, were obtained quarterly from birth to 12 months of age, in order to longitudinally evaluate their humoral immune response against Babesia bovis and the merozoite surface antigen diversity of B. bovis. Anti-B. bovis I...

Atypical parasitic lesions in slaughtered cattle in Southern Brazil

Abstract In this study, we described the morphological features and unusual presentations of hydatidosis, fasciolosis, and eosinophilic myositis caused by Sarcocystis species diagnosed at the slaughterhouse lines. Twenty-seven samples of atypical parasitic lesions from distinct cattle were evaluated, of ...

Morphological and Morphometric Characterization of Eodinium posterovesiculatum (Ciliophora, Ophryoscolecidae) in Brazilian Cattle

Abstract The morphological variability of Eodinium posterovesiculatum (Ciliophora, Trichostomatia) has been interpreted in different ways: four distinct species or four morphotypes of the same species. The present study aims to perform morphological and morphometric comparative analysis of the four morph...