Abstract Gurltia paralysans is the causal agent of gurltiosis in domestic cats in South America. Although the life cycle of G. paralysans is unknown, it is thought that gastropods could act as intermediate hosts (IHs), as is the case for several nematodes in the Angiostrongylidae family. The aim of this ...
Abstract Leishmania infantum infection in cats has been reported in several countries, including Brazil. However, the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) from cats to another host has not been proven yet. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the possibility of L. infantum transmission f...
Abstract This study used serological and molecular methods to investigate the occurrence of vector-borne pathogens (VBP) with zoonotic potential in cats neutered at the University Veterinary Hospital in Canoinhas, Santa Catarina. The combined PCR and serological results revealed that 17 (56.6%) cats were...
La esporotricosis es una micosis subcutánea causada por especies del grupo Sporothrix schenckii complex. Relativamente frecuente en Paraguay, en algunos casos puede considerarse como una zoonosis.
Se presenta un caso familiar de esporotricosis, un padre y su hijo que consultaron en el Servicio de Derma...
Las mordeduras por animales generan un número importante de consultas en los Servicios de Urgencia. Los perros y gatos son los animales más frecuentemente involucrados, con participación de estreptococos, estafilococos y bacilos Gram negativos como P. multocida. Se presenta un caso de infección por P...