Results: 2

Perineal outcomes and its associated variables of water births versus non-water births: a cross-sectional study

Abstract Objectives: to describe the perineal outcomes of women who had delivered in water and out of water. Methods: a cross-sectional and quantitative study developed in a public hospital in Setúbal, Portugal. The population was of women who participated in the "Water Birth Project" in the period fr...

Frecuencia de desgarros perineales en pacientes primíparas con y sin episiotomía durante un parto vaginal
Frequency of perineal tears in primiparous patients with and without episiotomy during a vaginal birth

Prensa méd. argent; 104 (4), 2018
This report details the frequency of perineal tears in primiparous patients with and without episiotomy, curing a vaginal delivery. Episiotomy is the surgical incision on the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening for obstetrical purposes during the birth process for widening the oulet of the birth cana...