Results: 10

Health evaluation of donkeys: parasite control methods and a model for challenge infections

Donkeys, mules, and asses are domestic animals of worldwide distribution, found in all regions of Brazil. Although more health data is needed from these species, some sectors of today’s society are exploring alternatives to use these animals for milk production and the use of donkeys i...

Factors associated with the distribution of natural Toxoplasma gondii infection among equids in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii in naturally infected equids in northeastern Brazil. Serum samples from 569 equids (528 horses, 8 mules and 33 donkeys) were subjected to the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Generalized linear ...

Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania spp. in domestic donkeys from Portugal

Abstract Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania infantum are zoonotic protozoal parasites. Serum samples were obtained from 186 donkeys (Equus africanus asinus) from Portugal and assessed for antibodies to T. gondii by the modified agglutination test (MAT). For titration of antibodies to Leishmania spp. the di...

Parasitic profile of traction equids in the semi-arid climate of Paraíba State, Northeastern, Brazil

Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the parasitological profiles of traction equids from the semi-arid climate of Paraíba (PB) State. We analyzed 96 equids that performed traction work, with no defined breed, males and females, and all older than 24 months. Among the analyzed animals,...

Genetic diversity of piroplasmids species in equids from island of São Luís, northeastern Brazil

Abstract Equine piroplasmosisis, a tick-borne disease caused by the intra-erythrocytic protozoans Babesia caballi and Theileria equi, has economic importance due to the international trade and the increased movement of horses all over the world. The goal of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of ph...

Brazilian donkeys (Equus asinus) have a low exposure to Neospora spp

Donkeys (Equus asinus) are closely related to horses and are known to be infected by several equine pathogens. Neospora caninum and Neospora hughesi are protozoan parasites that infect horses, but they were not confirmed in donkeys up to this date. The aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure of do...

Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (Cobbold, 1884): análise comparativa da ocorrência em eqüinos, muares e asininos
Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (Cobbold, 1884): comparative analysis of the occurrence in horses, mules and donkeys

Para estudo da ocorrência da infecçäo por Dictyocaulus arnfieldi, em alguns Estados brasileiros, foram examinados os pulmöes de 20 asininos, 22 muares e 44 eqüinos procedentes dos seguintes Estados: Maranhäo, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais e Goiás. F...

Ocorrências de Trichostrongylus axei (COBBOLD, 1879) em equídeos
Trichostrongylus axei (Cobbold, 1879): occurrence on equines

Em pesquisa de Trichostrongylus axei em equídeos, foram examinados os estômagos de 37 equinos, 18 asininos e 22 muares procedentes dos estados do Maranhäo, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais e Goiás, registrando-se as prevalências de 75,8, 94,4 e 95,4 por cento, ...

Cyathostomum tetracanthum (Mehlis, 1831) e Cylicocylus auriculatus (Loos, 1900) em asininos no Brasil
Cyathostomum tetracanthum (Mehlis, 1831) and Cylicocylus auriculatus (Loos, 1900) from Brazilian Equus asinus L

Em necropsias de asininos, procedentes dos estados do Maranhäo, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Bahia e Minas Garais, os autores identificaram as espécies Cyathostorum tetracanthum e Cylicocylus auriculatus, encontradas, respectivamente, em 78,9 e 57,9 por cento dos asininos ...

Cyathostominae parasite to Equus asinus L. in some Brazilian states

Foram necropsiados 18 jumentos procedentes dos Estados do Maranhäo, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Bahia e Minas Gerais e identificadas as seguintes espécies de Cyathostominae: Cyathostomum alveatum, C. catinatum, C. coronatum, C. labiatum, C. labratum, C. pateratum, C. tetr...