LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 13

Perspectivas recientes del análisis morfológico automatizado en eritrocitos
Recent perspectives of the automated morphological analysis of erythrocytes

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd; 40 (supl.1), 2021
Introducción: La anemia drepanocítica es una anomalía genética hereditaria de la hemoglobina, que se caracteriza por la presencia de glóbulos rojos que pierden su forma redonda característica y adquieren forma de hoz. Aunque aún no tiene cura definitiva, se desarrollan varias acciones con el propÃ...

An early stage in T4-induced hyperthyroidism is related to systemic oxidative stress but does not influence the pentose cycle in erythrocytes and systemic inflammatory status

ABSTRACT Objective Hyperthyroidism causes many injuries in its target organs and the consequences are reflected systemically. As systemic alterations in hyperthyroidism at earlier stages have received partial attention, this study aimed to investigate systemic redox and inflammatory status at an early ...

Oxidative stress in sepsis. Possible production of free radicals through an erythrocyte-mediated positive feedback mechanism

Braz. j. infect. dis; 21 (1), 2017
Abstract Background: Sepsis is an illness with a high morbidity for which no effective treatment exists. Its treatment has a high cost because it usually requires an intensive care unit and expensive antibiotics. The present study focus in the production of reactive oxygen species in the early stages of...

Erythrocyte oxidative stress markers in children with sickle cell disease

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 92 (4), 2016
Abstract Objective To determine eight parameters of oxidative stress markers in erythrocytes from children with sickle cell disease and compare with the same parameters in erythrocytes from healthy children, since oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease and...

Evaluation of red blood cell aggregation in diabetes by computerized image analysis

Medicina (B.Aires); 60 (5 Pt 1), 2000
Red blood cell (RBC) aggregation has been widely studied and its importance is well established in the rheology of microcirculation. RBC aggregation is a major factor responsible for the flow properties of blood. Increased RBC aggregation has been observed in several pathological states. Therefore, the m...

Diferencia de la concentración de hemoglobina en escolares afroecuatorianos y mestizos de la ciudad de Esmeraldas

La diferencia en la concentración de hemoglobina y hematocrito entre blancos y negros ha sido motivo de controversia durante los últimos treinta años. Varios estudios han demostrado diferencias significativas que oscilan entre los 0.5 - 0.7 g/dl en los niveles de hemoglobina a favor de los individuos ...

Modelo matemático da utilizaçäo da glicose pelos eritrócitos em presença de azul-de-metileno
Mathematical model of the glucose utilization by erythrocytes in the presence of methylene blue

Os autores estabeleceram um modelo matemático que representa o comportamento da utilizaçäo da glicose pelos eritrócitos na ausência e na presença de azul-de-metileno....

VHS: revisäo
VHS: revision

Arq. bras. med; 66 (3), 1992
O autor faz uma revisäo do VHS (velocidade de hemossedimentaçäo) ressaltando aspectos históricos e práticos. Discute seu valor dentro de certas patologias como o mieloma múltiplo e a polimialgia reumática. Conclui que o conhecimento de suas limitaçöes e sua análise dentro de um contexto clínic...