Abstract Introduction: Even though only a few species are considered to be dangerous, pests or vectors, the majority of invertebrates produce a feeling of aversion in humans. This has contributed to the delay in the development of ethical considerations as regards this group in contrast with vertebrate...
Abstract Introduction: The coral reefs of Isla del Coco National Park are some of the most pristine ecosystems on Earth. The sea urchin Diadema mexicanum (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) is a common inhabitant with a pivotal role in the ecology of this unique ecosystem. Objective: In this study, we ident...
Resumen Introducción: La industria acuícola está en constante crecimiento, registrando una producción mundial de casi 88 millones de toneladas para el año 2020. Esta industria trae consigo problemas ambientales si sus efluentes no son debidamente tratados. En el 2020, se constituyó la primera emp...
Resumen Introducción: Los equinoideos irregulares se caracterizan por tener una selección del sustrato en fondos blandos principalmente. En El Salvador se han registrado siete especies de equinoideos irregulares en las principales playas arenosas del país, M. stokesii es una de ellas. Objetivo: De...
Abstract Introduction: Care towards nutrition is essential for the quality of a sustainable aquaculture product. Since the balance in food affects the growth and production of gametes. The circular economy is made possible through the use of discarded materials. Objective: The aim of this research wa...
Abstract Introduction: The sea urchin Diadema mexicanum, due to its bioerosion activity, is considered of ecological importance. This phenomenon could negatively or positively affect coral reef ecosystems. The bioerosion process varies according to the abundance and size of the sea urchin. Objective: ...
Abstract Introduction: Sea urchin aquaculture is a rising industry, and in consequence, there is a need to establish optimal culture parameters to ensure the health of the cultured animals. Objective: To evaluate the bacterial counts in the seawater of sea urchin (Arbacia dufresnii) aquaculture recir...
Abstract Introduction: Short-term gametes storage is an inexpensive and simple technique that allows the use of the same batch of eggs or sperm at different times, maximizing the application of research protocols and the use of gametes in production. Arbacia dufresnii is a sea urchin species with prove...
Abstract Introduction: The genus Agassizia in Mexico is represented both in the fossil record by the species Agassizia regia† during the Miocene of Chiapas and by the extant species Agassizia excentrica on the Atlantic coast and Agassizia scrobiculata on the Pacific coast. Qualitative diagnosis a...
Resumen Introducción: El comportamiento de enderezamiento se ha utilizado como indicador de salud en respuesta a variables estresantes. La aplicación de este parámetro en acuicultura podría ser beneficiosa para reducir la mortalidad y mejorar el bienestar en el cultivo del erizo de mar Arbacia dufr...