Results: 4

Assessment of fistulectomy combined with sphincteroplasty in the treatment of complicated anal fistula

Abstract Introduction The ideal method of treating the complex anal fistula is to eradicate the sepsis and preserve the anal sphincter; since there is no definite consensus on the surgical method of treating it. Recent studies show that fistulectomy and immediate sphincteroplasy are a safe and appropria...

Deoti surgical flap and sphincteroplasty for treatment of severe perineal deformity

ABSTRACT Purpose: Anal incontinence is a very stigmatizing condition, which affects biopsychosocially the patient. It is a neglected, but quite common complication of obstetric and anorectal surgery, however it has treatment options. None of the treatment options have exceptional efficacy rates and stil...

Identificaçäo trans-operatória do óstio do Wirsung após a papilo-esfincteretomia
Intra-operative identification of the ostium of Wirsung's pancreatic duct after papilla-sphincterotomy

Objetivo. Contribuir para o achado do óstio de Wirsung durante a técnica da papiloesfincteroplastia, prevenindo a pancreatite aguda pós-operatória. Casuística e Método. Foram estudados 27 pacientes submetidos a papilo-esfincteroplastia por coledocolitíase com ou sem odite. Após a papiloesfinctero...

Avaliaçäo quantitatifa do refluxo duodenogástrico após colecistectomia e esfincteroplastia transduodenal: estudo experimental em cäes
Quantitative avaluation of the duodenogastric reflux after cholescystectomy and transduodenal sphincteroplasty: experimental study in dogs

O papel exercido pela colecistectomia e pela esfincteroplastia transduodenal sobre o refluxo duodenogástrico(RDG) permanece controvertido e da esfincteroplastia transduodenal sobre o RDG. MÉTODO. 40 cäes foram distribuidos em quatro grupos: grupo controle (C) (n=12), grupo colecistectomia (Co) (n=10),...