A esporotricose é uma doença crônica que envolve o tecido subcutâneo afetando seres humanos e animais, causada pelo fungo termodimórfico Sporothrix spp.. A esporotricose é endêmica na América latina, principalmente no Brasil que teve o maior surto zoonótico já registrado, ocorrendo na cidade do...
Abstract Sporotrichosis is the most prevalent subcutaneous mycosis and is characterized by a subacute or chronic development of a cutaneous or subcutaneous nodular lesion. It is caused by the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix spp, which may manifest in different clinical forms. The disseminated cutaneous form ...
La esporotricosis es la micosis subcutánea más frecuente en Uruguay. Es producida por hongos del complejo Sporothrix. Su reservorio son los restos vegetales y madera en descomposición. En su hábitat natural las condiciones climáticas, temperatura y humedad son variables, pero es inviable a 40°C. Af...
Abstract Sporotrichosis is the most common subcutaneous mycosis in South America and its association with zoonotic transmission remains a relevant public health problem in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The disease most commonly presents as subacute or chronic cutaneous lesions, although dissemination to variou...
According to the World Health Organization, cataract is the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment throughout the world. However, the etiology of cataracts often remains unknown. This report describes the development of cortical cataract in a patient after Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome cau...
Sporotrichosis associated with exposure to domestic cats is hyperendemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A review of the clinical records at our institute revealed four patients with clinical signs of dacryocystitis and a positive conjunctival culture for Sporothrix who were diagnosed with Sporothrix dacryocy...