Objective: To investigate the circulation patterns of respiratory viruses from January 2023 to May 2024 and to describe their epidemiological characteristics in the city of Fortaleza based on data obtained by molecular tests based on real-time PCR (qPCR).Method: This retrospective epidemiological study w...
Estado de Retorno,
Estaciones del Año,
Estudios Epidemiológicos,
Herpesvirus Cercopitecino 1,
Gripe Aviar,
Gripe Humana,
Estándares de Referencia,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa,
Virus Sincitiales Respiratorios
Abstract Introduction: The Wood Thrush is a migratory bird that has experienced dramatic declines in its populations in recent decades. This species overwinters in forest fragments with intermediate levels of habitat modification in Central America. However, more studies detailing the use of remnant fo...
El presente Plan se basa en una estrategia integral que permite una respuesta eficaz y oportuna ante los fenómenos hidrometeorológicos frecuentes durante la temporada de invierno, como tormentas tropicales, bajas presiones, ondas tropicales, huracanes, y fenónemos climaticos como El Niño y La Niña. ...
Abstract The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region an...
In this study, we evaluated variation in vegetative and reproductive phenological events of four phylogenetically related plant species subjected to a seasonal environment. To this aim, we sampled 15 individuals of each plant species every fortnight for one year, between January and December of 2017. To ...
Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis is a vine species native to Brazil that is considered an unconventional food plant and a medicinal species whose phenolic compounds exert antioxidant activity. Since the production of metabolites is determined by environmental factors and leaf maturity, it is important ...
Abstract The aim objective of this study was to determine the trophic ecology of juvenile and adult Acestrorhynchus falcirostris during the rising and flood (high-water) period in six island lakes adjacent to the Solimões River. As such, we investigated: i) the trophic position, through the fractional t...
Abstract Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an infectious disease predominant in countries located in the tropics. The prediction of occurrence of infectious diseases through epidemiologic modeling has revealed to be an important tool in the understanding of its occurrence dynamic. The objective of this stud...
Abstract In northern central Chile, ephemeral pools constitute shallow isolated water bodies with a favourable habitat for fauna adapted to seasonal changes. Based on the limited knowledge about the fauna—particularly insects—associated to these ecosystems, the objective of this study was to ...
Abstract Endozoochory by waterbirds is particularly relevant to the dispersal of non-flying aquatic invertebrates. This ecological function exercised by birds has been demonstrated in different biogeographical regions, but there are no studies for the neotropical region. In this work, we identified propa...