Results: 9

Risk factors for recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a systematic review

Int. j. morphol; 39 (4), 2021
SUMMARY: The cause and prevention of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (also called aphthous ulcers or canker sores) are still unknown. This may be due in part to ignorance of the risk factors present in susceptible people. In this systematic review (PROSPERO record #CRD42019122214), we show that most of the...

Prevalencia de lesiones bucales en tejido blando encontradas en la Clínica de Estomatología de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de los Andes: periodo 2015-2018
Prevalence of oral lesions in soft tissue found in the Clinic of Stomatology of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of los Andes: 2015-2018 period

Rev. ADM; 77 (1), 2020
Introducción: La epidemiología sobre alteraciones en tejidos blandos bucales es limitada cuando se compara con caries, enfermedades periodontales y maloclusiones, por lo que su estudio representa un paso adelante en la odontología más allá de los dientes. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de las le...

Fiebre periódica con estomatitis aftosa, faringitis, y adenitis
Periodical fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis (PFAPA syndrome)

Rev. medica electron; 40 (4), 2018
RESUMEN Se presenta un caso de fiebre periódica con estomatitis aftosa, faringitis, y adenitis síndrome de fiebre periódica con estomatitis aftosa, faringitis, y adenitis, entidad aparentemente infrecuente de la cual no se recoge reporte en el país. La etiología no es todavía bien comprendida, se o...

Recurrent aphthous ulceration: an epidemiological study of etiological factors, treatment and differential diagnosis

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (3), 2018
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recurrent aphthous ulcerations are common benign ulcerated lesions on the mouth, whose etiology is poorly understood, with controversial treatment and difficult to control in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cases of recurrent aphthous ulcerations with a focus on trea...

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis in 18-year-old adolescents - Prevalence and associated factors: a population-based study

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (5), 2017
Abstract: Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a painful disorder of unknown etiology. It is among the most common oral mucosal lesions with high prevalence among young adults. Objectives: To conduct a population-based study with 18-year-old army recruiters to assess its prevalence and associat...

Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in children

Lesions of the oral mucosa are a broad range of different alterations located in the soft tissue of the oral cavity. The studies that describe the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions have been carried out mainly in an adult population. Therefore, in the literature available both in Chile and abroad, there...

Ulceras aftosas recorrentes: uma contribuição para o seu tratamento com modelador da resposta imunológica e vitaminas antioxidantes A, C e E
Recurrent aphthous ulcers: a contribution to its treatment with a modulator of immunological response and antioxidant vitamins A, C and E

As úlceras aftosas recorrentes (UAR) são as condiçoesulcerativas inflamatórias mais comuns da mucosa oral.Acerca das variadas hipóteses sobre sua etiologia, observa-se uma grande dificuldade na determinação de uma causa isolada, que possa explicar, adequadamente, amaioria dos casos encontrados, o ...

Aspectos epidemiológicos da úlcera aftosa recorrente
Recurrent aphthous ulcers: epidemiologic aspects

J. Health Sci. Inst; 19 (1), 2000
Este estudo objetiva descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos da úlcera aftosa recorrente, de modo a contribuir com futuras investigações sobre a etiopatogenia dessa enfermidade que, ainda hoje, é desconhecida. A metodologia aplicada é classificada como tipicamente de campo, tendo em vista que o alice...

Estudio clínico epidemiológico en aftas recidivantes bucales
A clinical and epidemiological study of recurrent oral aphthae

Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico en 119 pacientes que concurrieron al Servicio de Estomatología del CEMIC, con historia y diagnóstico de aftas recidivantes. Se evaluó el aspecto clínico, tamaño, localización, inicio, tiempo de evolución, historia familiar, factores generales (alt. hemáticas...