Results: 13

Serum vitamin B12 associated with vitamin D/25(OH)D in women with recurrent aphthous stomatitis

J. oral res. (Impresa); 9 (1), 2020
Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS). Current studies have showed vitamin B12 to be associated with vitamin D in women, however no study has assessed vitamin B12 associated with vitamin D/25(OH)D in women with RAS. Objective: To investigate the assoc...

Recurrent aphthous ulceration: an epidemiological study of etiological factors, treatment and differential diagnosis

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (3), 2018
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recurrent aphthous ulcerations are common benign ulcerated lesions on the mouth, whose etiology is poorly understood, with controversial treatment and difficult to control in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cases of recurrent aphthous ulcerations with a focus on trea...

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis in 18-year-old adolescents - Prevalence and associated factors: a population-based study

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (5), 2017
Abstract: Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a painful disorder of unknown etiology. It is among the most common oral mucosal lesions with high prevalence among young adults. Objectives: To conduct a population-based study with 18-year-old army recruiters to assess its prevalence and associat...

Aspectos epidemiológicos da úlcera aftosa recorrente
Recurrent aphthous ulcers: epidemiologic aspects

J. Health Sci. Inst; 19 (1), 2000
Este estudo objetiva descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos da úlcera aftosa recorrente, de modo a contribuir com futuras investigações sobre a etiopatogenia dessa enfermidade que, ainda hoje, é desconhecida. A metodologia aplicada é classificada como tipicamente de campo, tendo em vista que o alice...

Estudio clínico epidemiológico en aftas recidivantes bucales
A clinical and epidemiological study of recurrent oral aphthae

Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico en 119 pacientes que concurrieron al Servicio de Estomatología del CEMIC, con historia y diagnóstico de aftas recidivantes. Se evaluó el aspecto clínico, tamaño, localización, inicio, tiempo de evolución, historia familiar, factores generales (alt. hemáticas...

Enfermedad por HIV
HIV disease

Epidemiología: en el mundo se contagia 1 persona cada 6 segundos, son 16.000 nuevos casos por día, en nuestro paíis los casos declarados en estos últimos 4 años constituyen más del 60 por ciento del total de casos acumulados desde 1983, hay un crecimiento importante entre la población heterosexual...

Patologia oral e otorrinolaringológica
Otorhinolaryngological and oral pathology