Results: 195

Importancia cultural de la flora empleada por la comunidad nativa Asheninka Sheremashe, Ucayali, Perú

The cultural significance of the flora used by the native Asheninka Sheremashe community in Ucayali, Peru was determined. To do this, a fieldwork of over 4 months was conducted, involving semi-structured interviews with 106 residents through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The c...

Medicinal plants and their importance for the conservation of biocultural knowledge in primary school students of the Paniquita Indigenous Community (Rivera, Huila, Colombia)

Ethnobotany approached through ethnoeducation allows for the preservation of the cultural heritage of indigenous communities. In this way, the ethnobotanical knowledge of primary school students from the Paniquita Indigenous Community was recognized, regarding the cultural knowledge...

Estudio comparativo del dolor abdominal en las culturas maya Tzeltal, maya Tzotzil y maya Q ́eqchi ́y el uso de Ageratina ligustrina para su tratamiento

El presente estudio es una comparación del dolor abdominal producido por trastornos gastrointestinales, aliviado por Ageratina ligustrina , entre los grupos maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqchi ́, el cual integró un enfoque etnomédico, etnobotánico y transcultural, comparando estudi...

Ethnobotanical knowledge on non-conventional food plants and medicinal plants in Extractivist Reserve in the Brazilian Amazon

Information on the knowledge and ways of using food and medicinal plants by traditional populations, family farmers and Brazilian native population in the Amazon is essential to guarantee the food sovereignty of these groups. This study was conducted using semi-structured inte...

Flowers vs. Devils: plants used against witchcraft in the urbanized Sonora Market, Mexico City

Mexican markets embody cultural diversity and offer a wide range of products, serving as hubs for local exchange.In our study at Mexico City's Sonora Market, the country's prominent medicinal market, we explored the use of plant remedies against witchcraft in an urban environment. Through in...

Plant species from the Euphorbiaceae (spurge) family used for medicinal purposes in Zimbabwe: a review

The present review was aimed at documenting medicinal uses of species of the Euphorbiaceae family in Zimbabwe. Literature was collected from online databases such as BioMed Central, W eb of Science, Springerlink, Google Scholar, Scielo, PubMed, Science Direct, ACS Publications, ...

Uso y conocimiento tradicional de plantas medicinales en comunidades de Villa Corzo, Chiapas, México

The use and knowledge of native and naturalized medicinal plants were evaluated in four communities of Villa Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico. The information was obtained through semi - structured surveys conducted with 1 18 people of different age and gender categories. To d...

Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used for cancer treatment at the province of Nador, Morocco

Morocco has varied wealth of aromatic and medicinal plants (AMPs) which are commonly used for prevention and treatment of vario us diseases or as complementary therapy such for cancer diseases. An ethnobotanical study was carried out in the province of Nador, located northeast...

Etnobotánica de los barrios antiguos de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: el uso de plantas medicinales

Medicinal plants have been used by various cultures since pre - Hispanic times in Mexico. In this study, the use of medicinal plants in the old neighborhoods of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico is described. 137 species, 130 genera and 68 families were recorded. 34% of...

Estudio etnobotánico de la flora medicinal de la provincia de Trujillo, Perú

Trujillo, one of the main provinces of Peru, is home to a multicultural population, coming from the Coast, Sierra and Selva; of different ideologies, cultures, and ancestral knowledge about the correct use of medicinal flora. In this sense and in an effort to rescue this ancestral knowled...