Results: 9

Problemas rotacionales de las extremidades inferiores en niños y adolescentes

Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes; 32 (3), 2021
Las deformidades torsionales de las extremidades inferiores corresponden a una de las causas de visita más frecuente al ortopedista infantil. En la mayoría de los casos, estas consultas son innecesarias, pues se trata de condiciones normales del esqueleto en desar...

Síndrome de Behçet complicado con trombosis venosas profundas en miembros inferiores

Rev. cuba. med; 58 (4), 2019
En este trabajo se presentó a un paciente de 32 años que ingresó por pérdida de peso, decaimiento, orinas turbias y dolor en región inguinal derecha. Se describió la evolución clínica, los estudios imagenológicos y de laboratorio que permitieron diagnosticar la presencia del Síndrome de Behçet...

Cicloergômetro na melhora da função motora grossa de crianças com paralisia cerebral: uma revisão sistemática com meta-anális

RESUMO A paralisia cerebral é um grupo de desordens neurológicas causadora de inúmeros déficits, principalmente relacionados à função motora, comprometendo os movimentos e o seu controle seletivo. Dentre as diversas terapias disponíveis para tentar amenizar esse processo, o cicloergômetro aparec...

Tai Chi exercise and functional electrical stimulation of lower limb muscles for rehabilitation in older adults with chronic systolic heart failure: a non-randomized clinical trial

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 52 (12), 2019
Exercise-based training decreases hospitalizations in heart failure patients but such patients have exercise intolerance. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effect of 12 weeks of Tai Chi exercise and lower limb muscles' functional electrical stimulation in older chronic heart failure adults...

Area Triangulation Method for Automatic Detection of Venous Emptying Maneuvers

Abstract Venous refilling time (VRT) can diagnose the presence of venous diseases in lower limbs. In order to calculate VRT it is necessary to determine the End of the Emptying Maneuvers (EEM). First Derivative Method (FDM) can be employed for automatic detection of the EEM, but its sensitivity to artifa...

Experiencia En El Manejo De Los Pacientes Con Melanoma En El Instituto Oncológico Nacional De Panamá En Los Años 2012 Al 2017

Rev. méd. Panamá; 39 (2), 2019
Introducción: A nivel mundial hay un incremento de la incidencia de melanoma, Panamá no escapa a esta realidad. Para todas las etapas hay riesgo de recurrencia inclusive luego de una cirugía adecuada y elevadas probabilidades de fallecer a causa de metástasis. Este trabajo busca conocer la experien...

Muscle strength and body composition in severe obesity

Clinics; 72 (5), 2017
OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to evaluate associations between maximum voluntary contraction torques of the lower limbs and body composition for subjects with severe obesity. METHODS: Body composition was evaluated by bioelectrical impedance analysis, and maximum voluntary contraction torques of t...

Sports injuries profile of a first division Brazilian soccer team: a descriptive cohort study

ABSTRACTObjective:To establish the injury profile of soccer players from a first division Brazilian soccer team. In addition, we investigated the association between the characteristics of the injuries and the player's age and position.Method: Forty-eight players from a Brazilian first division soccer te...

Lower limb muscle strength is associated with functional performance and quality of life in patients with systemic sclerosis

Background: Complaints of peripheral muscle weakness are quite common in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). It is likely that the muscle impairments may reduce the patients' exercise performance, which in turn may decrease their functional capacity and exert a direct impact on their quality of life....