Results: 3

Upper limb arterial pattern: clinical correlation and embryological perspective

Abstract Background Variations in the upper limb arterial pattern are commonplace and necessitate complete familiarity for successful surgical and interventional procedures. Variance in the vascular tree may involve any part of the axis artery of the upper limb, including the axillary artery and brachia...

An unusual case of primate arterial pattern in a human upper limb

Int. j. morphol; 38 (4), 2020
During routine undergraduate dissections of the upper limb, variations on the usual arterial and muscular patterns were observed in a 68 year-old male cadaver. The arterial and muscular pattern found in our specimen is similar to that of some primates in the following terms. 1) Brachial artery duplicity,...

Miembro superior. Esqueleto del miembro superior, esqueleto del hombro, esqueleto del brazo, esqueleto del antebrazo, esqueleto de la mano