Fístulas de artérias coronárias têm incidência baixa, sendo diagnosticadas mais frequentemente pelo ecocardiograma ou angiotomografia coronariana, embora a cineangiocoronariografia seja o método padrão-ouro. Têm origem mais comumente na artéria coronária direita, sendo a drenagem para câmaras ...
Abstract Fistula from left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to pulmonary artery (PA) is rarely encountered in daily practice. In recent years, endovascular therapy options have emerged for the treatment of fistula formations and replaced with surgery. A 53-year-old man admitted to our outpatient clinic wit...
Abstract Aorto-atrial fistulas due to cardiac trauma are rare, and survivors require immediate surgical correction. Here, we report a case of an aorto-right atrial fistula due to penetrating trauma after a 16-year evolution, which developed symptoms of acute coronary syndrome and was treated with myocard...