Results: 22

A composite seton for the management of fistula in ano

Treatment of fistula in ano by seton has become less in vogue due to the complications and disadvantages associated with its use. In its place, more technically demanding and expensive procedures, with less morbidity but more recurrence, such as endorectal advancement flaps and laser, are being employed ...

The efficacy of porcine dermal collagen to treat complex anal fistulae: results of a multicenter cohort

Introduction: The management of complex anal fistulae remains a topical surgical problem. The choice and success of surgical management are based on the balance between healing and continence. Although porcine dermal collagen (Permacol Collagen Paste [PCP]- Covidien plc, Gosport, Hampshire, UK) represent...

VAAFT PROCEDURE (Video-assisted Anal Fistula Treatment) versus open method in the treatment of high fistula in ano

Background: A common acquired anorectal condition is anal fistula. The treatment approaches that have been employed have been linked to erratic outcomes and sometimes life-threatening consequences. Video-assisted anal fistula treatment (VAAFT), a minimally invasive method, was introduced for adult patien...

Tratamiento de fístulas perianales complejas mediante tapón de colágeno piramidal. ¿en la geometría está la solución?

Rev. cir. (Impr.); 74 (2), 2022
Introducción: Las fístulas perianales complejas siguen siendo un auténtico desafío terapéutico en nuestros días, dada la ausencia de una terapia universal y los resultados a largo plazo, ya que el porcentaje de complicaciones o recidivas no es desdeñable. Entre las opciones terapéuticas encontram...

Is fistulotomy with marsipulization more effective than fistulectomy alone for low fistula in ano?

Background: Fistula in ano is a very common perianal condition seen in outpatient departments. Fistulotomy and fistulectomy are two conventional options of surgery. The present study is designed to observe wound healing time and mean postoperative pain score in the comparison of outcome of the fistulecto...

The ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (LIFT) technique for simple and complex fistula-in-ano

Background: Fistula-in-ano is one of the most common clinical condition encountered in a surgical outpatient department. Many treatment modalities have been described with variable outcomes but gold standard surgical treatment is yet to be agreed upon. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the trea...

Operaciones en dos etapas, utilizando sutura de grosor flexible en el tratamiento de fistula anal de tipo alto en una curación rápida de estimulación y tasa de recurrrencia más baja
Two staged operations using loose thick seton suture in the treatment of high type fistula in ano stimulate rapid healing and lower recurrence rate

Prensa méd. argent; 107 (6), 2021
Antecedentes: la fístula de ano es un problema crónico para los pacientes. Causa angustia debido al mal olor y la suciedad con infecciones y secreciones recurrentes. La recurrencia y la lesión del esfínter anal fueron las complicaciones más críticas después de la cirugía. La colocación de un set...

Evaluation of fistulotomy with immediate sphincteric reconstruction in the treatment of high transsphincteric perianal fistula

Background: High perianal fistula treatment remains challenging, mainly due to the variability in success and recurrence rates as well as continence impairment risks. So far, no procedure can be considered the gold standard for surgical treatment. Yet, strong efforts to identify effective and complicatio...

Manejo de la fístula anorrectal compleja: LIFT, colgajo de avance y otras técnicas

Rev. cir. (Impr.); 72 (3), 2020
Resumen Las fístulas anorrectales complejas son un desafío para el coloproctólogo. Son una patología frecuente que afecta la calidad de vida de los pacientes. La patogénesis aún no está clara, estarían involucradas citoquinas y el proceso de transición de epitelio a mesénquima. El gold standard...