Results: 121

Lineamientos técnicos para la receta repetitiva en unidades de salud, farmacias especializadas y consulta externa de hospitales nacionales

En el presente documento se establece el mecanismo para la ejecución de la estrategia de la receta repetitiva, en el marco de la transformación digital. La receta repetitiva es una estrategia organizada y sistemática que se ha implementado en las unidades de salud del Primer Nivel de Atención y consu...

Health education can save the environment from medicine residues

Abstract The incorrect disposal of medicines and their environmental impact has been related to the health medicalization and the improper use of medication by society. In this sense, it is very important to know the profile of drug disposal for foster health policies. The aim was to identify the profile...

Professional practice of pharmacists in private community pharmacies of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Abstract Considering the wide accessibility of population to private community pharmacies, Pharmaceutical Services must be provided comprehensively in such establishments. This research aims to understand how pharmaceutical practice is developed by pharmacists in private community pharmacies of Minas Ger...

Perfil de medicamentos descartados nas farmácias públicas de um município do leste de Minas Gerais

O descarte inadequado de medicamentos pode levar a impactos ambientais negativos e deve ser considerado um problema de saúde pública. O presente estudo teve como objetivo levantar dados quantitativos e qualitativos relacionados ao perfil dos medicamentos descartados no município de Governador Valadare...

Diferenças na disponibilidade de medicamentos prescritos na Atenção Primária: evidências do Projeto Prover

Resumo Estudo transversal da disponibilidade de medicamentos prescritos na Atenção Primária, com amostra probabilística de 1221 usuários das farmácias públicas de município polo de saúde em Minas Gerais, em 2017. Foram estimados indicadores de disponibilidade dos medicamentos e realizou-se regre...

Quality of cosmetics with active caffeine in cream and gel galenic bases prepared by compounding pharmacies

Braz. j. biol; 82 (), 2022
As there is a great scarcity of studies on the importance of good compounding practices in the preparation of cosmetics, this study aimed to evaluate the quality control of cosmetics with active ingredient caffeine for the treatment of cellulite prepared by magistrals pharmacies. Microbiological analyzes...

Das farmácias comunitárias às grandes redes: provisão privada de medicamentos, sistema de saúde e financeirização no varejo farmacêutico brasileiro

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online); 38 (supl.2), 2022
No Brasil a provisão de medicamentos é marcada pelo predomínio dos gastos e da oferta privada em farmácias e pela regulação historicamente liberal sobre a comercialização. Nos anos 2000 e 2010 houve expansão e concentração do varejo farmacêutico e crescente financeirização no setor saúde. ...

Pharmacovigilance: an evaluation on the practice of pharmacists acting in pharmacies and drugstores

Abstract Pharmacists acting in pharmacies and drugstores stores are some of the most accessible healthcare providers and the last to intervene before the patient takes their medicine. This puts the pharmacist in a position of authority that should be harnessed for the benefit of health. Thus, this profes...

Pharmaceutical evaluation of compounded furosemide capsules and excipient performance

Abstract Compounding pharmacies play an important role not only in compounding personalized formulations, but also preparing drugs at the same concentration and dosage as those from commercial manufacturers. The excipients used in compounding are generally standardized for many drugs, however they do not...

Pharmaceutical services in primary health care: dissatisfaction among users, managers and pharmacists

Abstract To assess the performance indicators for pharmaceutical services (PS) in primary health care (PHC), the level of satisfaction with pharmacy services among users and managers / pharmacists' impressions in relation to the findings were evaluated. The study used mixed methods, including a retrospec...