El diagnóstico de fasciolosis humana, enfermedad zoonótica causada por el parásito Fasciola hepatica reúne los resultados de las técnicas: concentración por sedimentación (copa-cónica), FasciDIG en heces y FasciDIG en suero, además de los criterios clínico-epidemiológicos. FasciDIG constituye ...
Abstract Fascioliasis is a food-borne anthropozoonotic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica that affects multiple hosts, including humans. We herein report the first case of human fascioliasis in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. A 57-year-old female patient complaining of abdominal pain was admitted t...
RESUMEN Objetivo. Producir anticuerpos recombinantes de cadena única de alpaca que se unan con alta afinidad y especificidad al antígeno excretado-secretado (ES) de Fasciola hepatica para el desarrollo de tecnologías nuevas de diagnóstico de fascioliasis humana y animal. Materiales y métodos. Se...
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The etiology of several hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cases remains largely unknown. Although Fasciola hepatica has been associated with liver fibrosis in Latin America, it has not yet been associated with HCC. This study aimed to determine the existence of specific IgG antibodie...
Abstract Fasciolosis is caused by Fasciola hepatica that affects the bile ducts and liver parenchyma of ruminants, which can result in economic loss. This study aimed to carry out the validity of the commercial kit ELISA® indirect front of the simple fecal sedimentation test used as the standard. 143 sa...
Contiene: La fasciola hepatica; caracteristicas anatomicas de la fasciola hepatica; fisiologia y su ciclo biologico; los caracoles o churos hospederos intermediarios, la fascioliasis o distomatosis hepatica; tratamiento medico humano animal control caracoles y controles biologicos; presentacion y analisi...