Results: 3

Lessons from tumor and immunocompetent cells. The quantitative engagement of ligand-receptor interactions modulates stop-and-go behavior as well as proliferation

Medicina (B.Aires); 60 Suppl 2 (), 2000
The four main cell functions, proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation and migration, are tightly regulated by external signals that initiate intracellular signal transduction pathways and determine the cellular behaviour. The concentration and composition of such external signals are at least important...

Participaçäo de fatores de crescimento na regeneraçäo celular pós-necrose tubular aguda
Participation of growth factors in cell regeneration after acute tubular necrosis

J. bras. nefrol; 19 (2), 1997
A recuperaçäo da funçao renal após a necrose tubular aguda (NTA) depende da proliferaçäo de células e da substituiçäo de células necróticas e lesadas por células recém-formadas. Várias linhas de evidências indicam que o EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), IGF-I (Insulin Growth Factor-I) e o HGF...