Results: 3

Qualitative Histologic Assessment vs. Geomorphometric Analysis of Nerve Fiber Shape after the Intraneural Application of Liposomal Bupivacaine

Int. j. morphol; 41 (3), 2023
SUMMARY: The preserved form of all components of the nerve fiber is a prerequisite for the proper conduction of the nerve impulse. various factors can change the shape of nerve fibers. In everyday practice, qualitative histological analysis is the gold standard for detecting changes in shape. Geometric m...

Efeitos de concentrações crescentes de lidocaína hiperbárica, administradas no espaço subaracnóideo, sobre a medula espinhal e as meninges: estudo experimental em cães
Effects of increasing spinal hyperbaric lidocaine concentrations of spinal cord and meninges: experimental study in dogs

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 56 (5), 2006

Interstitial cells of the ovaries of the chick embryo: ultraestructural aspects of their innervation

En trabajos previos demostramos que en el ovario derecho atrófico y en la médula del ovario izquierdo funcionante del pollo experimental regresión las células germinales y epiteliales y se preservan las células intersticiales (Avila y col. 1987). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la rela...