Results: 5

A tromboelastometria identifica coagulopatia associada à insuficiência hepática e coagulação intravascular disseminada causadas por febre amarela, orientando a terapia hemostática específica: um relato de caso

RESUMO Este relato de caso detalha um caso grave de febre amarela complicada por insuficiência hepática e coagulação intravascular disseminada. A tromboelastometria foi capaz de identificar os distúrbios da coagulação e orientar o tratamento hemostático. Relatamos o caso de um homem com 23 anos d...

Hepatitis Relapse after Yellow Fever Infection: Is There Another Wave?

Abstract During the yellow fever (YF) outbreak in Brazil, many cases of fulminant hepatitis were seen, although mild to moderate hepatitis was mostly observed with complete recovery. This report presents a case of late-onset hepatitis due to YF relapse. The patient sought medical attention after jaundice...

Canine visceral leishmaniasis in area with recent Leishmania transmission: prevalence, diagnosis, and molecular identification of the infecting species

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is an endemic disease in Brazil, and integrated control actions have been adopted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health to control its spread. However, the transmission profile is unknown in areas with recent CVL cases, including Itaúna, located...

Yellow Fever and Cardiovascular Disease: An Intersection of Epidemics

Arq. bras. cardiol; 110 (3), 2018

Vacunación en la fiebre amarilla
Vaccination in the yellow fever

Actualmente, la vacuna contra la fiebre amarilla es preparada exclusivamente con la cepa 17D del virus atenuado. Esta vacuna tiene un excelente registro de inocuidad y su poder inmunogénico es elevado. En el pasado se utilizó ampliamente en Africa la cepa "French neurotropic", desarrollada por el Insti...