Results: 19

Accuracy of yellow fever case definition of epidemiologic surveillance, São Paulo, 2018

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the accuracy of yellow fever (YF) suspected case definitions from the Brazilian Ministry of Health (BMH) and World Health Organization (WHO), as well as propose and evaluate new definitions of suspected cases, considering confirmed and discarded cases. METHODS The retro...

Comparación clínica y laboratorial de la fiebre amarilla severa versus dengue grave en Perú

En los centros de Emergencia con poco apoyo de laboratorio, es difícil diferenciar a los pacientes con dengue grave y fiebre amarilla severa. El objetivo fue comparar el perfil clínico y de laboratorio de los pacientes con dengue grave y fiebre amarilla severa en Urgencias. Se realizó un estudio obser...

Experimental yellow fever virus infection in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri spp. ) I: gross anatomical and histopathological findings in organs at necropsy

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 115 (), 2020
BACKGROUND Non-human primates contribute to the spread of the yellow fever virus (YFV) and the establishment of transmission cycles in endemic areas. OBJECTIVE To describe the severe histopathological aspects of YFV infection, 10 squirrel monkeys were infected with YFV and blood, brain, liver, kidney,...

Fiebre amarilla selvática con serología positiva para leptospira en un varon joven peruano

RESUMEN Fiebre amarilla (FA) y leptospirosis son zoonosis endémicas subdiagnosticadas de las regiones tropicales de África y Sudamérica. Ambas, pueden ser clínicamente indistinguibles y presentarse como síndrome febril icterohemorrágico agudo. Reportamos el caso de un varón de 20 años, procedente...

Febre Amarela

Rev. bras. anal. clin; 51 (1), 2019
A Febre Amarela é uma doença infecciosa aguda, caracterizada por febre. Não é transmissível e tem duração de no máximo 12 dias. As manifestações clínicas revelam as fases evolutivas da doença. Este trabalho consiste em um artigo de atualização, no qual foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico...

Yellow fever

Summary The yellow fever (YF) virus is a Flavivirus, transmitted by Haemagogus, Sabethes or Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The disease is endemic in forest areas in Africa and Latin America leading to epizootics in monkeys that constitute the reservoir of the disease. There are two forms of YF: sylvatic, tran...

Metagenomic analysis reveals Hepatitis A virus in suspected yellow fever cases in Brazil

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 113 (1), 2018
Using a metagenomic approach, we identified hepatitis A virus among cases of acute febrile illnesses that occurred in 2008-2012 in Brazil suspected as yellow fever. These findings reinforce the challenge facing routine clinical diagnosis in complex epidemiological scenarios....

Fiebre amarilla
Yellow fever

Rev. chil. infectol; 18 (1), 2001