Results: 5

Recomendaciones para calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado en establecimientos de salud, octubre del 2020

Proporcionar condiciones térmicas y sistemas de ventilación adecuados que eviten la dispersión de patógenos es fundamental para proteger la salud de los pacientes, de los profesionales médicos y de enfermería, y del resto del personal, así como para el funcionamiento general de los equipos sensibl...

Low Cost Equipment with Compressor System and Balanced Pressure to Protect the Professional Dentist Against Contaminated Aerosol During COVID-19 Pandemic

ABSTRACT: During the current coronavirus epidemic, personal protective equipment has become a vital issue. Depending on the procedure, the generation of aerosols increases the risk of infection for healthcare professionals. However, in dentistry, there is a high risk of contamination from blood or tissue...

Recomendaciones para calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado en establecimientos de salud, 21 de mayo del 2020

Esta ficha técnica presenta recomendaciones generales para evitar la transmisión del SARS-CoV-2 por medio de sistemas de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado en establecimientos de salud....

Eletrocauterização de verrugas venéreas: presença de bioaerossóis na fumaça cirúrgica

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 18 (1), 2019
Objective:to analyze the capacity of the bioaerosol retention filters with the use of a surgical smoke aspirator in procedures of cauterization of venereal warts. Method:field, descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative research. The study was developedat a referral center for sexually transm...

Effect of the air filtration system replacement on embryo quality in the assisted reproduction laboratory

Abstract Improving infrastructural conditions of the in vitro fertilization laboratory, such as the air quality, has profound positive effects on embryo culture. Poor environmental conditions reduce the rate of embryo formation and, therefore, of pregnancy. This review article presents important publicat...