Results: 3

Analgesic effectiveness and improvement in quality of life after using topical sevoflurane for an extremely painful anal fissure

Painful anal fissures could be distressing conditions that severely impair the patients' quality of life. The analgesic effectiveness of topical drugs, such as calcium-antagonists and nitrates is quite variable. The inhalational anesthetic sevoflurane is being repurposed as a topical analgesic for painfu...

Role of micronize purified flavonoid fraction and ethanol Graptophyllum pictum extract on experimental anal ulcer healing. Study on Wistar rat

ABSTRACT Aim of the study To evaluate the role of micronized purified flavanoid fraction and ethanol Graptophyllum pictum extract in the treatment of anal ulcer. Method Twenty-eight Wistar rats were randomly allocated into four groups. Groups 2, 3 and 4 the anus were induced with croton oil, but was no...

Uso de la nitroglicerina local en el tratamiento de la fisura anal
Local application of nitroglycerin in the anal fissure treatment

Rev. chil. cir; 52 (4), 2000
La fisura anal (FA) es una entidad común, que produce dolor anal en la defecación, en que participa una isquemia relativa del canal anal, asociado a una hipertonicidad esfinteriana. La aplicación tópica de Glicerolato de Trinitrina (GT) produce relajación del esfínter interno, llevando a la cicatri...