Results: 7

Foramen oval restrictivo intraútero: causa de hidrops fetal
Intrauterine restrictive oval foramen: cause of fetal hydrops

Rev. cuba. pediatr; 93 (2), 2021
Introducción: El cierre prematuro del foramen oval o foramen oval restrictivo intraútero es una entidad clínica rara pero seria, de etiología desconocida. Puede ocasionar diversos defectos cardíacos, hipertensión pulmonar, insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva, hidrops fetal y muerte. El diagnóstico ...

The pterygospinous foramen (Civinini) and the pterygoalar (crotaphitico-buccinatorius): laboratory findings

Int. j. morphol; 39 (1), 2021
SUMMARY: The Pterygospinous foramen and pterygoalar foramen (crotaphitico-buccinatorius) are variant and atavic formations of the skull base and arise respectively from complete or incomplete idiopathic ossifications of the pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments. By proximity with areas of relevance fo...

Oclusão arterial aguda consequente a embolia paradoxal - relato de caso e revisão de literatura

Resumo A embolia paradoxal é a transposição de um trombo originário da circulação sistêmica venosa para a arterial através de um defeito cardíaco, mais comumente o forame oval pérvio (FOP). A manifestação mais comum é o acidente cerebrovascular. A oclusão arterial aguda (OAA) é rara, reque...

Human skull base asymmetry analysis

Int. j. morphol; 38 (6), 2020
SUMMARY: Since the asymmetry is generally accepted entity which can be detected on human skulls, the goal of this study was to evaluate the presence and degree of skull base asymmetry and analyze it in relation to sex. The study included 60 skulls. Gender identification was estimated according to the ext...

Foramen oval restrictivo intraútero: causa de hipertensión pulmonar neonatal

Arch. argent. pediatr; 117 (6), 2019
El cierre prematuro del foramen oval o foramen oval restrictivo intraútero es una entidad rara de etiología desconocida. Dicha patología se asocia a un riesgo elevado de hipertensión pulmonar y puede ocasionar insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva con hidrops y muerte fetal. También, se puede asocia...

Anatomical and clinical significance of pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments and bony bars in dentistry

J. oral res. (Impresa); 8 (1), 2019
The Pterygospinous Ligament (PSL) extends from the Pterygospinous process of the lateral Pterygoid plate to the spine of the sphenoid bone. Sometimes, it may be ossified forming a bar of bone bounding the pterygospinous foramen to which mandibular nerve and its branches are variably related. Mandibular a...

Alternative option for osteogenesis imperfecta and trigeminal neuralgia

Summary Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a bone disorder that can lead to skull base deformities such as basilar invagination, which can cause compression of cranial nerves, including the trigeminal nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia in such cases remains a challenge, given distorted anatomy and deformities. We ...