Results: 49

Correção de sorriso gengival em paciente com displasia cemento óssea florida

Com os avanços tecnológicos na odontologia o planejamento digital se tornou algo mais presente na prática clinica. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar uma experiência vivida em clínica sobre harmonização do sorriso através de uma gengivoplastia e remodelação óssea em paciente com displasia ce...

Fluxo digital na odontologia através do escaneamento intraoral em próteses fixas: revisão integrativa
Digital flow in dentistry through intraoral scanning in fixed prosthesis: integrative review

As novas tecnologias utilizadas na Odontologia, como a digitalização de imagens, estão levando a mudanças significativas na obtenção de próteses e infraestruturas protéticas, de funcionamento de softwares. A grande área da engenharia desenvolve processos para fabricação de diversos produtos in...

Facetas diretas em resina composta utilizando o fluxo digital para planejamento: relato de caso

Rev. Ciênc. Plur; 9 (1), 2023
Introdução:O aprimoramento das resinas compostas nos últimosanos em associação com a difusão de informações nas redes sociais tornou as facetas diretas tratamentos populares na dentística restauradora. No entanto, são procedimentos que exigem ampla destreza manual e conheciment...

Use of Images and Clinical Experience to Calibrate Dental Surgeons for the Diagnosis of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate an imaging protocol for use as a diagnostic and calibration tool for dentists before and after practical activity. Material and Methods: Thirty photos of children's teeth with or without changes in dental enamel were selected and evaluated by a group of experienced denti...

Reproducibility and comparison between methods for gingival color evaluation: a validation study

Braz. j. oral sci; 21 (), 2022
Aim This study aims to evaluate and validate the sensibility and the level of agreement between different gingival color measures obtained by a spectrophotometer (SPECTRO) and a photography (PHOTO) method. Methods Among 40 patients, the color was measured 2 mm apical to the gingival margin by CIE L*, ...

Influencia de la edad, sexo y ocupación sobre la percepción estética del perfil facial
Influence of age, sex and occupation on the aesthetic perception of the facial profile

Objective: To study the infuence of age, sex, and occupation in determining the aesthetic perception of the facial profle in the Chilean population through the analysis of silhouettes. Methods: From a profle photograph, a digital silhouette was designed, which was modifed with 2mm movements from the orig...

3D stereophotogrammetry quantification for tissue repositioning using Botulinum toxin A: a case report

Braz. dent. sci; 25 (3), 2022
Hereby, we objectively assessed the outcomes of a facial-lifting procedure with Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) using a 3D stereophotogrammetry quantification (3D-SQ). A 46-year-old female patient received a full face BoNT-A treatment in a total dose of 180 Speywood Units (sU). Frontal, lateral and obl...

Dental Whitening: Self-Referred Needs versus Professional Indication

Abstract Objective: To analyze the self-reported need of patients compared to professional indications for tooth whitening. Material and Methods: Initially, 58 undergraduate students responded to a form that highlighted the question: "Do you think you need to have your teeth whitened?" Among those who ...

Smile Arc Esthetics in Middle-Aged Man from the Layperson's Perspective Via Eye-Tracking

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the perceptions of smile esthetics associated with variations in the vertical plane of the maxillary incisors in the smile arc using eye-tracking software. Material and Methods: An image of a 59-year-old Caucasian male model was adapted and edited to make three changes i...

Evaluación de la sonrisa en pacientes con necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico

Ortodoncia; 85 (170), 2021
Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar características de la sonrisa en pacientes con necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico. Como objetivos específicos, se planteó estudiar el arco de la sonrisa, la línea del labio superior y los corredores bucales, que son tres componentes importantes a la hora de ...