Results: 47

Cranioplastia frontal com enxerto de parede anterior de seio frontal e retalho pericrânio têmporo-parietal: relato de caso

O osso frontal integrante do esqueleto craniano e que integra o terço superior da face, tem papel importante na proteção do conteúdo encefálico. Fazendo parte dessa referência, encontra-se uma cavidade sinusal de dimensões variáveis, o seio frontal. A localização anatômica do seio frontal perm...

Alcohol consumption and maxillofacial fractures in times of Covid-19: a cross-sectional study in a cuban university hospital

J. oral res. (Impresa); 11 (6), 2022
Introduction: The consumption of alcoholic beverages reduces the body's ability to deal with dangerous situations and exposes people to trauma. Objective: To determine the association between the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the characteristics of maxillofacial fractures treated at a Cuban univ...

Redução aberta de fratura nasal: relato de caso

As fraturas nasais são de grande incidência dentre as fraturas faciais, podendo envolver também outras estruturas da face. O diagnóstico é baseado no exame físico, o qual muitas vezes é dificultado devido ao edema formado na região. A palpação dos contornos ósseos, verificação de presença d...

Hemi Le Fort III Fracture with Subdural and Subarachnoid Pneumocephalus with a Mild Mount Fuji Sign

ABSTRACT: Extensive fractures in the fixed facial skeleton combined with traumatic brain injury can cause functional and esthetic impairments, possibly threatening the patient's life. Male patient, 50-year-old, victim of physical aggression, presented with persistent headache and dizziness, fractures in ...

Multiple Brain Abscesses by an Air Gun Shot: A Case Report

Arq. bras. neurocir; 40 (4), 2021
Introduction Low-velocity penetrating brain injury is not prevalent. In some conditions such as childhood, and with the penetration of a pellet in weak spots of skull, low-velocity penetrating brain injury is expected; however, high-velocity projectiles have also been reported as the cause of severe brai...

Multicenter epidemiological study of maxillofacial trauma: a one-year retrospective- descriptive assessment of 1356 cases in a colombian metropolitan region

J. oral res. (Impresa); 10 (5), 2021
Background: This retrospective study was conducted to identify the epidemiological profile and treatment modalities linked to the maxillofacial trauma (MFT) managed in the Maxillofacial Surgery Departments of seven hospital centers in Antioquia, Colombia. Material and Methods: Clinical records with speci...

Etiologia do trauma facial: uma análise aprofundada entre 2016 e 2019 em Florianópolis/SC

Introdução: Pensando em melhoria na saúde das populações, é indispensável para as equipes de CTBMF e gestores de saúde o conhecimento dos perfis epidemiológicos. O objetivo desse estudo foi estratificar etiologias, ossos mais afetados e possíveis padrões recorrentes entre 2016 e 2019, contabil...

Functional recovery time after facial fractures: characteristics and associated factors in a sample of patients from southern Brazil

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 48 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Understanding the cause, severity, and elapsed time for the restoration of the functions of maxillofacial injuries can contribute to the establishment of clinical priorities aiming at effective treatment and further prevention of facial trauma. The objective of this study was to understand the f...

Observational study of patients with occipital condyle fracture at a brazilian referral trauma center

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 48 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the clinical-epidemiological characteristics, treatment, and evolution of patients with occipital condyle fracture (OCF) at one of the largest referral trauma centers in Latin America. Methods: this was a retrospective observational study of OCF identified from trauma ...

Sistemática en el Tratamiento Quirúrgico de las Fracturas Panfaciales Aplicado a un Caso Clínico De Alta Complejidad

RESUMEN: Las fracturas panfaciales son aquellas que afectan de forma simultánea al tejido óseo de dos o más tercios del rostro. El manejo inicial de estos pacientes es resolver o estabilizar las urgencias médico - quirúrgicas que puedan presentar, debido a que la gran mayoría de estas fracturas est...