Results: 7

Uso de bifosfonatos en pacientes con osteopenia
Biphosphonates in patients with osteopenia

La osteopenia, una disminución de la densidad mineral ósea de menor severidad que la osteoporosis, definida por valores de T-score entre -1,0 y -2,5 en la densitometría ósea , podría asociarse con un mayor riesgo de fracturas. Motivado por el pedido de una paciente con osteopenia que solicita a su m...

Functionality, comorbidity, complication & surgery of hip fracture in older adults by age distribution

SUMMARY BACKGROUND Hip fractures may be the greatest complication secondary to osteoporotic disorder. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of age distribution in the functionality, comorbidity, complications and surgical features of older adults with hip fractures. METHODS A pro...

The Effect of FRAX on the Prediction of Osteoporotic Fractures in Urban Middle-aged and Elderly Healthy Chinese Adults

Clinics; 72 (5), 2017
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to analyze the applicability of a fracture risk assessment tool for the prediction of osteoporotic fractures in middle-aged and elderly healthy Chinese adults. METHODS: A standard questionnaire was administered, and bone mineral density was measured in residents visiting the Dongliu ...

Asymptomatic vertebral fractures in patients with low bone mineral density

Summary Objective: Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) is a test technique that can be used to detect asymptomatic vertebral fractures (AVF). It uses dual energy X-ray bsorptiometry (DXA) and can be performed concurrently with bone densitometry. This study aims to assess the prevalence of AVF in patient...

Placa helicoidal en el tratamiento de fractura del húmero por cirugía mínimamente invasiva. Reporte de un caso
Helical plate in treating humerus fracture by minimally invasive surgery

Las fracturas del extremo proximal del húmero en pacientes osteoporóticos, pueden resultar en patrones complejos, como aquellos donde ocurre extensión a la diáfisis. El tratamiento de estas fracturas ha sido controversial durante largo tiempo, con distintos resultados. Las técnicas de osteosíntesis...