Results: 5

Smoking history: relationships with inflammatory markers, metabolic markers, body composition, muscle strength, and cardiopulmonary capacity in current smokers

J. bras. pneumol; 46 (5), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the relationships that smoking history has with inflammatory markers, metabolic markers, body composition, muscle strength, and cardiopulmonary capacity in current smokers. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 65 smokers (age range: 18-60 years). On three...

Concentración de bupivacaína y preservación de fuerza de cuádriceps en bloqueo femoral para artroplastía total de rodilla

Rev. chil. anest; 49 (1), 2020
INTRODUCTION: The commonly used concentrations of local anesthetics (LA) for femoral nerve block (FNB) cause a significant decrease in the quadriceps strength (QS), limiting physiotherapy and determining a risk factor for patient’s falls. The use of more dilute solutions could determine the preservatio...

Creatine supplementation plus neuromuscular electrical stimulation improves lower-limb muscle strength and quality of life in hemodialysis men

The promise of growth hormone in sport: doped or duped

ABSTRACT Skeletal muscle is a target tissue of GH. Based on its anabolic properties, it is widely accepted that GH enhances muscle performance in sports. Athletic performance depends on muscle strength and the energy required to power muscle function. The energy required to power muscle function is deriv...

New insights into the effects of irisin levels in HIV-infected subjects: correlation with adiposity, fat-free mass, and strength parameters

ABSTRACT Objective Patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have an increased risk of metabolic disorders and alterations on irisin levels. Therefore, the purpose of the current investigation was to quantify the circulating irisin concentration in HIV-infected subjects under highly...