Results: 49

Comparación en pruebas funcionales entre adultos mayores con y sin antecedentes de caídas: estudio transversal

Rev. méd. Chile; 151 (6), 2023
ANTECENDENTES Y OBJETIVO: Las pruebas funcionales son un eje fundamental en la evaluación del riesgo de caídas de los adultos mayores (AM), no obstante, muchas de ellas carecen de valor asociativo con el real estado funcional del AM, historia clínica y co-morbilidades. El objetivo de esta investigaci�...

Fuerza de prensión manual. Un sencillo, pero fuerte predictor de salud en población adulta y personas mayores

Rev. med. Chile; 150 (8), 2022
Muscle strength can be measured through different methods and handgrip strength is one of the most used techniques in epidemiological studies. Given its easy application, high reliability, and low cost, it is considered an important health biomarker. Handgrip strength is associated with adverse health ou...

Is sleep time associated with handgrip strength in adolescents from the 1997/1998 São Luís Birth Cohort?

Abstract This article aims to analyze the association between sleep time and handgrip strength in adolescents belonging to the 1997/1998 São Luís Birth Cohort. This was a cross-sectional study nested in a birth cohort study. One thousand two hundred sixty-nine individuals (18 and 19 years) wore an Acti...

Grip strength is a strong predictor of survival in nonagenarians and centenarians

Objectives: To understand the importance of hand grip strength (HGS) as a survival predictor in nonagenarians and centenarians. Methods: Longitudinal, observational and analytical study, using HGS measurements obtained during a first evaluation performed in 2016. Participants were nonagenarians and cente...

Hemodynamics and functional outcomes after resistance training in hypertensive and normotensive elderly: An experimental study

Motriz (Online); 28 (), 2022
Abstract Aim: To evaluate the chronic effects of resistance training on resting blood pressure, handgrip strength, gait speed, and Timed Up and Go test (TUG) in normotensive and hypertensive elderly individuals. Methods: Experimental study based on TREND. Hypertensive patients were diagnosed by an inde...

Fuerza de prensión manual y calidad de vida en personas mayores autovalentes
Hand grip strength and quality of life in functional elderly

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 50 (3), 2021
Introducción: Durante el envejecimiento se observa involución de algunos sistemas corporales. Entre estos cambios, los que afectan al sistema osteomuscular como la sarcopenia y la debilidad muscular, pueden alterar el desarrollo de actividades de la vida diaria, y por lo tanto, afectar la calidad de v...

Relationship between respiratory muscle strength and grip strength in institutionalized and community-dwelling older adults

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between respiratory muscle strength and grip strength in institutionalized and communitydwelling older adults. METHODS: This convenience sampled cross-sectional study had 64 voluntary participants with a good general health status and without limiting chronic disea...

Can elastic band resistance training programs mitigate holiday weight gain and improve hand-grip strength in older women?

Int. j. morphol; 38 (5), 2020
SUMMARY: This study evaluated the effect of resistance exercise training (RET) on body composition and muscle strength in 16 older women during summer holidays (70.5 ± 8.4 years old; Range 60-87). Exercise sessions were carried out for twelve weeks, two sessions per week, with 60 minutes of exercise per...

Reconocimiento de tres patrones básicos de movimiento de la mano utilizando electromiografía de superficie y algoritmos inteligentes
Identification of three basic hand movement patterns by surface electromyography and smart algorithms

Introducción: este artículo presenta la predicción de tres tipos de movimientos básicos de la mano mediante un algoritmo inteligente para extraer características imprescindibles para el reconocimiento de patrones de movimiento a partir del análisis de señales electromiográficas superficiales adq...

Entrenamiento de handgrip isométrico de alta intensidad en adultos mayores pre-hipertensos y con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial sistémica etapa I

Rev. méd. Chile; 148 (5), 2020
Background: Moderate isometric handgrip exercise is an effective tool in the management of systemic hypertension. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a high intensity isometric handgrip exercise protocol for the reduction of blood pressure in older people with pre or stage-1 hypertension. Material an...