Results: 2

Gonadal differentiation during embryonic and fetal development of male New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Int. j. morphol; 39 (5), 2021
SUMMARY: The rabbit is considered an ideal animal model for studies that describe abnormalities in the testicles due to the similar morphogenetic mechanisms of sexual development and diseases commonly found in humans. The aim of this study was to determine the male sexual differentiation of the New Zeala...

La gonada larval de Bufo arenarum sometida a hormona tiroidea
The larval gonad of Bufo arenarum exposed to thyroid hormones

La gónada de Bufo arenarum se presenta con características femenminas en todas las larvas dado que esta especie representa un ejemplo de raza sexual "indiferenciada". El sexo genético masculino recién se evidencia luego de la metamorfosis. A fin de comprobar la eventual vinculación entre diferenciac...