Foot and mouth disease is a highly contagious viral disease that poses a significant economic threat to cloven-hoofed animals, including cattle and sheep. The emergence of a novel foot and mouth disease virus-A isolate, FMDV-A-Egy-AHRI-RL385-Ven-2022, in Egypt in 2022 has raised concerns about its potent...
A bovinocultura possui grande importância na economia brasileira, entretanto, enfermidades afetam a produção, ocasionando perdas econômicas, como a miíase. O agente causador da miíase é Cochliomyia hominivorax, mosca-da-bicheira. Os agentes são aptos às regiões tropicais e subtropicais no Brasi...
El virus de la fiebre aftosa es un patógeno altamente infeccioso y contagioso. Recientemente, el topotipo VII, linaje Lib-12 del serotipo SAT2 se describió en brotes en Egipto durante 2018. La vacunación es una forma eficaz de controlar y combatir los brotes del virus de la fiebre aftosa, especialment...
RESUMEN En muchos países la fasciolosis y la paramfistomosis representan un grave problema para la salud del sector pecuario. En Colombia hay registros de ambas distomatosis en bovinos, la mayoría en el trópico alto andino, las cuales generan pérdidas econômicas anuales cercanas a 40 000 000 000 COP...
Fasciola hepatica,
Agua Dulce,
Ecosistema Tropical,
Estudios Transversales,
Resumen La brucelosis es una zoonosis desatendida y un problema de salud pública en países en desarrollo, que también causa grandes pérdidas económicas en la ganadería. En México es endémica y Chiapas un estado al sur del país, destaca por la presencia de la enfermedad en humanos. Por medio de l...
The objective of this study was to estimate (co)variances and genetic parameters and to predict genetic trends for weight at 120 (W120), 210 (W210), 365 (W365), and 450 (W450) days of age in Nelore cattle raised in the northern region of Brazil. The database comprised records of 30,387 animals born betwe...
This study aims to determine the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica in cattle from the Abancay, Curahuasi, and Tamburco districts in the Abancay province, Apurímac, Peru, during the 2018 rainy season, and the association between prevalence and age, breed, and district of origin. In total, 295 stool samples...
The use of blood metabolites (BM), fecal starch (FS), and apparent digestion of starch, (ATTSD) as indicators of feed efficiency (FE) in beef cattle in the feedlot was studied. Fourteen bulls were used, originating in an industrial cross, without a defined racial group, with mean body weight of 284.86kg,...
ABSTRACT Serological controls for diseases of viral origin in animal production systems and the identification of factors associated with infections are decisive elements to establish prevention and control measures. The aim of this study was to establish the serological status for Bovine Viral Diarrhea ...
Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática,
Pruebas Serológicas,
Leucosis Bovina Enzoótica,
Virus de la Diarrea Viral Bovina,
Estudios Transversales
This report aims to discuss the occurrence of protozoan infestation in a Girolanda cattle herd in the state of Bahia / BA. Bovine trypanosomiasis is a severe disease that is harmful to cattle, inducing large productive and economic losses. The animals are affected by protozoa of the genus Trypanosoma spp...