Results: 3

Energy Self-Sufficiency Conditions of Ethanol Autothermal Reforming: a Simulation Study

Braz. arch. biol. technol; 64 (spe), 2021
Abstract Natural gas steam reforming is commonly used for hydrogen production. However, research has shown that ethanol autothermal reforming can produce cleaner hydrogen gas efficiently. Despite this, there is a lack of studies on the energy self-sufficiency conditions of the ethanol autothermal reform....

Characterization of the Physicochemical Properties of Different Biodiesel Samples

Braz. arch. biol. technol; 61 (spe), 2018
ABSTRACT For combustion engines to perform well, it is necessary that the fuel used be of high quality. Fuel quality can be analyzed through different physicochemical properties. This study presents comparisons between the values presented in literature, legislation and those obtained through experimenta...

Carvão fóssil
fossil coal

Estud. av; 12 (33), 1998
A história do carvão fóssil no Brasil tem início em 1795 (primeira descoberta), mas somente a partir da Segunda Guerra Mundial passa a adquirir status de indústria moderna. De 1970 em diante têm lugar trabalhos de pesquisa geológica sob bases técnicas adequadas que mudaram o panorama do conhecime...