Results: 3

Pituitary gigantism: a case series from Hospital de San José (Bogotá, Colombia)

ABSTRACT Introduction Gigantism is a rare pediatric disease characterized by increased production of growth hormone (GH) before epiphyseal closure, that manifests clinically as tall stature, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and multiple comorbidities. Materials and methods Case series of 6 male patient...

Treatment of acromegaly patients at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM): Experience Report

Clinics; 72 (4), 2017
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of acromegaly patients at the Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro. METHODS: Cross-sectional and retrospective study of thirty cases treated over a period of two decades. RESULTS: 17 men (56.7%) aged 14-67 years and 13 women aged 14-86 years ...

Efectividad y seguridad de lanreótide y octreótido en personas con diagnóstico de gigantismo o de acromegalia
Effectiveness and safety of lanreotide and octreotide in people with a diagnosis of gigantism or acromegaly

Introducción: El gigantismo y la acromegalia se deben a la producción excesiva de hormona de crecimiento (HC). La HC es sintetizada en la hipófisis. Esta hipersecreción generalmente es consecuencia de un adenoma hipofisiario. (14) El tratamiento de elección, dado que la principal causa es tumoral, e...