Results: 9

Blood glucose related adverse drug reaction of antitumor monoclonal antibodies: a retrospective analysis using Vigibase

Abstract On the increasing prevalence of using mAbs (monoclonal antibodies) in cancer therapy and the severe risk of hyperglycemia, we aimed to analyze the main clinical ADRs of mAbs, with a focus on adverse hyperglycemic events associated with currently clinically used mAbs. mAbs as well as target infor...

Acetate wheat starch improving blood glucose response and bilan lipid on obesity dyslipidemia mice

Abstract Resistant starch is particularly concerned with beneficial effects in regulating blood glucose concentration and lipid metabolism, reducing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This study aimed to validate the effects of wheat starch acetate containing 32.1% resistant starch on post...

Efectos metabólicos del consumo excesivo de fructosa añadida

Int. j. morphol; 37 (3), 2019
El consumo de fructosa ha aumentado en los últimos 50 años por la incorporación a la dieta de jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa (JMAF), presente en productos industrializados, como las bebidas azucaradas. Se puede asociar la ingesta de fructosa en altas concentraciones con el aumento de la obesidad y t...

Pros and cons of insulin administration on liver glucose metabolism in strength-trained healthy mice

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 52 (2), 2019
Non-diabetic individuals use hormones like insulin to improve muscle strength and performance. However, as insulin also leads the liver and the adipose tissue to an anabolic state, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of insulin on liver metabolism in trained non-diabetic Swiss mice. ...

Metabolic dysregulation in early onset psychiatric disorder before and after exposure to antipsychotic drugs

Antipsychotic Drugs (APDs) are being widely prescribed to treat various disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; however, abnormal glucose metabolism and weight gain have been reported with Atypical Anti-Psychotic drugs (AAPDs) that can lead to insulin-resistance and type 2 diabetes melli...

Glycemic effects of simvastatin: Where do we stand?

ABSTRACT In clinical practice, simvastatin is usually used in the treatment of dyslipidemia patients and those at risk of or with established cardiovascular disease. However, previous studies have shown that simvastatin has the potential to affect glycemic parameters as it reportedly reduced insulin secr...

Expresión del síndrome metabólico frente a factores ambientales

El Síndrome Metabólico (SM) se define como la asociación de alteraciones metabólicas e inflamatorias a nivel molecular, celular o hemodinámico, que pueden presentarse en forma simultánea o secuencial en un mismo individuo. Esto imprime un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes y enfermedades cardiova...

Efeito da glicose na histomorfologia do peritônio durante a diálise peritoneal

HU rev; 34 (1), 2008
As alterações peritoneais em pacientes submetidos à diálise peritoneal por longos períodos começam com as modificações mesoteliais e, mais tarde, envolvem alterações submesoteliais, fibrose e vasculopatias. Entre outros fatores, essas alterações podem ser decorrentes da alta concentração de...

Capacidade acidogênica da microbiota da placa dental em crianças, jovens e adultos
Evaluation of the acidogenic capacity of the microbiota of dental plaque in children, youngsters and adults

Uma das doenças humanas mais estudadas nos últimos anos é a cárie dental. Entretanto, isto ocorreu somente depois que Orland, usando ratos "germ-free" mantidos com uma dieta cariogênica, proporcionaram evidências inequívocas que a cárie dental experimental não ocorre na ausência de microorganis...