Introduction: Due to its precision and simplicity, videonystagmography is the most used technique for evaluating eye movements in patients with vestibular complaints. However, its high cost limits its widespread use. In response, the development of low-cost goggles emerged as an alternative to traditiona...
Abstract Objective: To investigate the usefulness, reliability, quality, and content of Portuguese-language YouTube videos on COVID-19. Material and Methods: Three keywords selected on Google Trends were searched on YouTube, and the 60 first videos listed with each term were analyzed. Two calibrated re...
Abstract Objective The advent of the Internet has provided new, easily accessible resources for patients seeking additional health information. Many doctors and healthcare organizations post informative videos on this platform, and nearly all patients are looking for videos online for a second opinion. ...
INTRODUCTION: Awake fiberoptic intubation has for many years been the gold-standard in patients with difficult airway. Videolaryngoscopy has already shown some advantages in patients with a difficult airway and compared to fiberoptic intubation it uses a technically simpler equipment and it is easier and...
Fundamento: No se conoce cómo aceptan los residentes de Histología la inclusión de un sistema de videoconferencias sobre la estructura microscópica del cuerpo humano en su estrategia de autoaprendizaje. Objetivo: Explorar en profundidad la experiencia de los residentes de Histología de la Universida...
Resumen La insuficiencia velofaríngea (IVF) es una de las principales secuelas estructurales tras la palatoplastía primaria en casos de fisura de paladar. La IVF se caracteriza por la ausencia de tejido suficiente para lograr un cierre adecuado del mecanismo velofaríngeo durante el habla, lo que conll...
Abstract We evaluated the effect of prematurity and the infant's temperament on the mother-infant behaviors in the Face-to-Face Still-Face Paradigm (FFSF). The study included 75 mothers and their infants (37 preterm and 38 term) between three and four months of age (corrected age for preterm infants). Th...
The COVID-19 pandemic brought a series of restructurings necessary for research in Developmental Psychology. The aim of the manuscript is to discuss adaptations we made in our research in this context during the COVID-19 pandemic and to present strategies to adequate research protocols originally designe...