Results: 3

Gramicidin inhibits human gastric cancer cell proliferation, cell cycle and induced apoptosis

Biol. Res; 52 (), 2019
BACKGROUND: Gastric cancer is a common malignant tumor with high morbidity and mortality worldwide, which seriously affects human health. Gramicidin is a short peptide antibiotic which could be used for treating infection induced by bacteria or fungi. However, the anti-cancer effect of gramicidin on gast...

Avaliaçäo da sensibilidade "in vitro" à associaçäo de sulfato de framicetina, sulfato de polimixina B e gramicidina
Evaluation of the sensibility \"in vitro\" to the association of framycetin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate and gramicidin

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 54 (3), 1991
A fim de avaliar a sensibilidade "in vitro" à associaçäo de sulfato de framicetina, sulfato de polimixina B e gramicidina, estudamos amostras de 96 pacientes portadores de patologias oculares externas e de 4 lentes de contato gelatinosas. De 112 antibiogramas realizados, 80 (71,4%) foram por Staphyloc...