Results: 46

Characterization of dairy farms in a family-farm system in the municipality of Senador Guiomard, Acre State, Western Amazon

National dairy production is characterized by significant heterogeneity in production techniques and herd and farmer profiles. Our objective was to characterize 18 dairy farms under family farming in Senador Guiomard, Acre State, from January to December 2019. Data were gathered through 255-question semi...

Caracterização dos sistemas de criação de caprinos e ovinos da Ilha de São Luís no estado do Maranhão, Brasil

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 29 (2), 2022
Objetivou-se descrever o perfil dos sistemas de criação de caprinos e ovinos da Ilha de São Luís no estado do Maranhão. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo descritivo, exploratório e quali-quantitativo com 80 produtores rurais selecionados pela técnica Snowball, no período de fevereiro a abril de 20...

Preliminary assessment of weed population in vegetable and fruit farms of Taif, Saudi Arabia

Braz. j. biol; 82 (), 2022
A significant level of yield losses in the vegetable and fruit farms are attributed to the weed populations of the area. This study was conducted for eighteen months during 2019-2020 to assess the presence of various weed families, related species, and their densities in the vegetable (CROP A) and fruit ...

Indicators of full value feeding rations for dairy cows

Braz. j. biol; 82 (), 2022
This article presents the results of the level of feeding and the health status of dairy cows in a commercial dairy farm on the content of the main components in milk (fat, protein, urea). The aim of the research was to study the milk productivity and composition of milk of cows, to analyze the level of ...

Risk factors related to the appearance of umbilical disorders in dairy calves

The objective of this study was to determine the types of calve housing used in dairy farms, the prevalence of umbilical disorders and related risk factors. The 16 farms studied were visited to characterize the types of installation and possible risk factors, as well as information obtained from a questi...

Stress induced by pre-slaughter farm conditions in pigs

Cortisol is a steroid hormone, one of the glucocorticoids, made in the cortex of the adrenal glands and then released into the blood, which transports it in the entire body. Almost every cell contains receptors for cortisol and so cortisol can have lots of different actions depending on which sort of cel...

Anafilaxia a alfa-gal: um relato de caso paraibano

O presente relato apresenta um caso de anafilaxia tardia ao carboidrato alfa-gal em um adolescente da cidade de Belém, na Paraíba, Brasil. O paciente desenvolveu reação tardia à ingesta de carne e vísceras de animais. Ele mora em fazenda e tem contato próximo com animais potencialmente contaminado...

Optimization of energy consumption per kg of pure meat by electrical and thermal systems in broiler chicken farms

The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of electrical and thermal systems optimization on energy consumption in broiler farms. Experiments were conducted in 4 different climates (cold, hot, dry, and temperate) with four treatments (4 broiler farms in each region) and 5 iterations (5 rea...

Prevalencia sérica de Neospora caninum y factores de riesgo asociados a su transmisión en tambos de la provincia de Salta, Argentina

Rev. argent. microbiol; 53 (2), 2021
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum en los bovinos de los tambos del Valle del Lerma (Salta, Argentina) y los factores de riesgo asociados a la transmisión de este parásito en esta región. Se tomaron muestras de suero de aproximadamente 40 vacas en ca...

Inquérito sorológico de brucelose em machos e fêmeas bovinas em fazendas do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 28 (1), 2021
Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de animais soro reagentes à brucelose bovina em fazendas localizadas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, por meio de exame sorológico utilizando o Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) e discutir as possíveis diferenças entre as soroprevalências de fêmeas e machos. F...