Results: 7

Poloxamer-enhanced solubility of griseofulvin and its related antifungal activity against Trichophyton spp

Abstract Poorly water-soluble drugs, such as the antifungal drug griseofulvin (GF), exhibit limited bioavailability, despite their high membrane permeability. Several technological approaches have been proposed to enhance the water solubility and bioavailability of GF, including micellar solubilization. ...

In Vitro additive effect on griseofulvin and terbinafine combinations against multidrug-resistant dermatophytes

ABSTRACT Griseofulvin (GF) and terbinafine (TF) are commonly used drugs to treat dermatophytosis, a fungal infection of the skin. Today there is an increase in drug resistance to these antifungals which highlight the need for alternative synergistic therapies. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of GF...

TeleCondutas: dermatofitoses

Dermatofitoses são infecções cutâneas superficiais causadas por fungos denominados genericamente de dermatófitos (gêneros: Microsporum, Trichophyton e Epidermatophyton) que afetam tecidos queratinizados como pele, cabelos e unhas. Uma vez que estes fungos são encontrados em humanos, animais e no a...

Majocchi's granuloma - Case report

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (2), 2015
We report the case of a three-year-old child who, following long term treatment with topical corticosteroids and their associations for a case of ringworm on the face developed a form of folliculitis known as Majocchi's Granuloma. Treatment with oral Griseofulvin was successful....

Perfil de susceptibilidad in vitro de aislados clínicos de microsporum canis a los antifungicos griseofulvina, itraconazol, voriconazol, terbinafina y anfotericina B

Las dermatofitosis son las micosis superficiales más frecuentes en el humano y son causados por hongos de los géneros: Trichophyton Microsporum y Epidermophyton. En Venezuela son el principal motivo de consulta dermatológica, constituyendo un verdadero problema de salud pública por su alta morbilidad...

Antimicóticos en niños
Antifungals in Children

Las micosis superficiales son padecimientos frecuentes en la infancia y para su manejo se pueden utilizar antimicóticos tanto tópicos como sistémicos. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, ha aumentado la población infantil susceptible a infecciones diseminadas o sistémicas por agentes oportunistas...

Estudio comparativo de la eficacia de la griseofulvina y del itraconazol en el tratamiento de las tineas corporis y cruris
Comparative study of the efficacy of the griseofulvine and the itraconazole in the treatment of tineas corporis and cruris

CES med; 1 (2), 1987
Con el objeto de comparar la eficacia de dos antimicoticos administrados por via oral, se estudiaron 20 pacientes con diagnostico de dermatofitosis comprobado clinica y micologicamente. Tales pacientes recibieron 500 mg de grisefulvina o 100 mg de itraconazol, en una sola dosis, en la manana y por 15 dia...