Results: 74

Acidente vascular cerebral em adultos jovens no Haiti: tendência temporal da carga de doença

As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis aumentam consideravelmente no mundo e são consideradas um enorme desafio na saúde pública. Uma dessas doenças é o Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC). O AVC é uma das condições que mais causam morte e consequências neurológicas e motoras no mundo, assim c...

Cromoblastomicosis: primer caso alóctono tratado en Chile

Rev. chil. infectol; 39 (3), 2022
Resumen La cromoblastomicosis es una infección fúngica de la piel y del tejido subcutáneo, de evolución crónica, causada por hongos dematiáceos que se caracterizan por presentar melanina en su pared celular. La enfermedad se presenta en todo el mundo, principalmente en regiones tropicales y subtrop...

Enfermedad de Hansen: comunicación de un caso de lepra tuberculoide en Chile

Rev. chil. infectol; 39 (1), 2022
Resumen La enfermedad de Hansen o lepra es una enfermedad infecciosa crónica causada por Mycobacterium leprae, y que afecta principalmente la piel y nervios periféricos. En los últimos años, se ha logrado un mejor control de la enfermedad en forma global. Sin embargo, en Chile la incidencia de la lep...

Hepatitis A and E among immigrants and refugees in Central Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) among immigrants and refugees in Goiás, Central Brazil. METHODS Overall, 355 individuals were interviewed, and blood samples were tested for anti-HAV and anti-HEV IgG. Anti-HEV-positive samples were ...

Haiti: earthquake situation. Report nº 2 - 26 August 2021

Nearly two weeks after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake rocked south-western Haiti, humanitarian assistance has begun reaching some of the hardest-to-reach areas, where the most vulnerable are still unable to meet their urgent need for food, basic sanitation and hygiene and life-saving health services. In some...

Haiti earthquake: situation report 4 - 23 August 2021

As a result of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake on August 14, 2021, according to Haiti’s Civil Protection agency (DGPC), 2,207 people have died, 12,268 people were injured, and 320 are missing. In the most affected departments – Sud, Grand’Anse and Nippes – around 53,000 houses were destroyed and mor...

Haïti: tremblement de terre. Rapport de Situation nº 1 - 22 aout 2021

Après qu'un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,2 et une dépression tropicale aient frappé Haïti les 14 et 17 août derniers, ne faisant qu'aggraver la misère et le dénuement causés par une intensification des déplacements liés aux gangs, une insécurité alimentaire chronique et des chocs climatiqu...

Flash appeal Haiti: earthquake - August 2021

On 14 August at 8:30 am local time, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the south-western coast of Haiti causing large-scale damage across the country’s southern peninsula. The powerful 10 km deep earthquake occurred 13km southeast of Petit-Troude-Nippes, in the department of Nippes, the same region deva...

Flash appeal summary: Haiti earthquake

Humanitarian needs are rapidly growing in the aftermath of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck south-west Haiti on 14 August 2021, badly affecting the departments of Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. The earthquake's devastating impact, while considered less catastrophic than the 2010 earthquake that left...